Operation Buster-Jangle

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Buster-Jangle "Dog" test
Buster-Jangle "Dog" test

Operation Buster-Jangle was a series of seven (six atmospheric, one underground) nuclear weapons tests conducted by the United States in late 1951 at the Nevada Test Site. Buster-Jangle was the first joint test program between the DOD and Los Alamos National Laboratories. 6,500 troops were involved in the Desert Rock I, II, and III exercises in conjunction with the tests. The last two tests evaluated the cratering effects of low-yield nuclear devices. This series preceded Operation Tumbler-Snapper and followed Operation Greenhouse.

Buster-Jangle Test Blasts
Test Name Date Location Yield Note
Able 22 October, 1951 Nevada Test Site "less than one kilogram" tower shot; fizzle; nuclear reaction occurred but nuclear yield smaller than yield of compression charges
Baker 28 October, 1951 Nevada Test Site 3.5 kilotons B-50 airdrop
Charlie 30 October, 1951 Nevada Test Site 14 kilotons B-50 airdrop
Dog 1 November, 1951 Nevada Test Site 21 kilotons B-50 airdrop
Easy 5 November, 1951 Nevada Test Site 31 kilotons B-45 airdrop
Sugar 19 November, 1951 Nevada Test Site 1.2 kilotons surface burst
Uncle 29 November, 1951 Nevada Test Site 1.2 kilotons sub-surface burst (-17 feet)