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OpenCASCADE Screenshot
Developed by Open CASCADE S.A.S
Initial release 2000
Latest release 6.2.0 / February 2007
Written in C++
OS Linux, Solaris, and Windows

Open CASCADE is a software development platform for 3D CAD, CAM, CAE, etc. that is developed and supported by Open CASCADE S.A.S.. It is available under the "Open CASCADE Technology Public License" which the developer claims to be "LGPL-like with certain differences". Despite this claim, it is not listed as compatible with the LGPL license by the publisher of the LGPL, the Free Software Foundation. [1]


[edit] History

CASCADE was originally developed in the early 90s by Matra Datavision , editor of Euclid CAD CAM Software as the underlying infrastructure for its future version Euclid Quantum. However, as the company abandoned software development to concentrate on services, the software branch was sold to Dassault Systemes, editor of competing CATIA in 1998. Matra Datavision decided to publish its CASCADE infrastructure under an Open Source model and renamed it Open CASCADE. The software is from that time managed by the Open CASCADE SAS which was acquired in 2003 by Principia, a french Service Provider corporation.

[edit] Object Libraries

[edit] Foundation Classes

Packages: TKernel TKMath

[edit] Modeling Data

[edit] Modeling Algorithms

[edit] Visualization

[edit] Application Framework

[edit] Data Exchange

[edit] DRAW

The OpenCascade test harness.

[edit] Workshop Organization Kit (WOK)

WOK (Workshop Organization Kit) is Open CASCADE development environment, which allows a large numbers of developers to work on a variety of products simultaneously. Within the framework of this environment developers can produce multiple versions of products for various hardware and software platforms, including versions corresponding to specific marketing requirements. At the same time WOK enables to reuse software components with a maximum possible effect. In other words, WOK is designed to facilitate industrial scale development.

Moreover WOK allows to work with CDL (component definition language), which is the Open CASCADE programming platform. Some components, which CDL enables you to create, are specific to the Open CASCADE application architecture. [2]

[edit] External links

[edit] References

  1. ^ List of FSF approved software licences
  2. ^ Open CASCADE Documentation