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Two Tracker windows showing icons of BeOS applications. The second window shows the optional single window navigation mode introduced in OpenTracker.
Written in C++
OS BeOS family
Genre Desktop Management Tools
License OpenTracker Licence modified BSD licence

OpenTracker is the generic term given to the open source versions of the Tracker and Deskbar desktop management tools for BeOS.

The original Tracker and Deskbar were created by Be Inc., as part of BeOS, but were opensourced in late 2000. The project was managed by Be until its closedown in late 2001, where it moved to SourceForge under the guidance of Axel Dörfler, the chief non-Be contributor. It is under the OpenTracker Licence, which is a barely modified BSD licence that allows the use of the Be trademark Tracker to be used.

A number of major forks of OpenTracker exist, most notably Tracker.NewFS that has new filesystem operations code and support for SVG icons; and yellowTAB's fork of OpenTracker which also has SVG as its major feature, but is closed source.

A large number of minor variations exist, mainly for personalised or localised BeOS distributions, but all regularly sync to the main OpenTracker tree.

The Deskbar component of the package is normally left unchanged between versions, as its functions – mainly providing a Start Menu style system – are already relatively polished.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links