Only Croatia – Movement for Croatia

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Only Croatia – Movement for Croatia
Leader Milovan Šibl (president), Ljubo Ćesić Rojs, Ivić Pašalić, Anto Kovačević, Josip Jović
Founded 2007
Headquarters Zagreb
Ideology Nationalism, Tujmanism, Anti-Communism, Anti-EU

Only Croatia – Movement for Croatia (Croatian: Jedino Hrvatska – Pokret za Hrvatsku) - is a right wing political party in Croata, formed in 2007 with no parliamentary representation. The party was created by individuals, founders of HDZ, former Croatian Christian Democratic Union leader Anto Kovačević, and several political parties and organizations including the Tudjmanist Croatian Bloc, extreme right wing Croatian Liberation Movement. "Only Croatia" was firstly announced as a coalition of 23 right-wing parties (like HČSP, HP–HPP), organizations, and NGOs, but almost all of them decided to leave the coalition.

The party opposes Croatian participation in present existing organisations such as CEFTA, and other Western Balkans associations. Likewise, the party is against Croatian membership of NATO and the European Union. OCMOC is pro-life; against foreign capital; and in favour of the establishment of an independent Croatian entity in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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