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OneWebDay is a day when users of the World Wide Web are encouraged to show how the Internet affects their lives. It is held on September 22. The purpose of the event is to globally celebrate online life. The goal of celebrating OneWebDay each year is to create and make visible a global constituency that cares about the future of the Internet.
[edit] History
The first ever OneWebDay was held on September 22, 2006. The idea was created by Susan Crawford, who set up the web site, traveled to different cities to encourage people to celebrate OneWebDay, and persuaded the initial group of evangelists to celebrate the day. David Weinberger, Mary Hodder, and David Isenberg (all OneWebDay Board members) were heavily involved in brainstorming about OneWebDay in 2005-06.
The first OneWebDay's anchor celebration in 2006 featured Craig Newmark, Scott Heiferman, and Drew Schutte as speakers in New York City's Battery Park.