Ondi Timoner

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Ondi Timoner

Born Ondi Timoner
Occupation film director, producer and editor
Years active 1994–present

Ondi Timoner is a Grammy-nominated American film director and producer.


[edit] History

Timoner graduated Yale University cum laude and founded Interloper in 1995. She filmed the documentaries Voices From Inside Time about incarcerated women in Connecticut, winner of the Yale Film Prize - and later, The Nature of the Beast, about one woman's heroic journey through the criminal justice system, and winner of the Bettina Russel Grand Jury Prize in Canada and The National Society for Visual Anthropology Commendation, which aired on PBS. She later went on to shoot Dam Nation, set in the oldest living civilization of sub-Saharan Africa about a WTO dam.

She created and directed for the TV series Sound Affects, the highest-rated pilot in VH1's history, and ABC's highly successful Switched!. Through Interloper she has made music videos and music documentaries for The Dandy Warhols, The Vines, Paul Westerberg, Lucinda Williams, Vanessa Carlton, The Jonas Brothers, and DMC, among others.

[edit] DiG!

Main article: DiG!

While filming music videos and documentaries for Interloper, Timoner was simultaneously financing, producing, directing, and editing DiG!, which chronicles seven years of the lives of two neo-psychedelic bands, The Dandy Warhols and The Brian Jonestown Massacre. After it's release in 2004, the film won the Grand Jury Prize 2004 at the Sundance Film Festival, and is now part of the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in NYC.

After working with Vasco Nunes on the film, Timoner collaborated with him again on another two documentaries; Recycle, winner at the ICG Awards, and presented at Sundance, Cannes, and Silverdocs; and Join Us. Timoner has since also directed commercials for McDonalds, State Farm, DeVry, the US Army and Ford.

[edit] Future projects

Third Floor LLC has just finished Hoin Us, a documentary about mind control in the United States. Interloper is currently in post-production on We Live In Public, about the millennium in NY and a dot.com millionaire’s human experiment to test the effects of media and technology on the development of personal identity. Timoner and Interloper Films are currently in production on an untitled film about the history and influence of Jamaican Music with Chris Blackwell and L&M Media; Lollapalooza, a feature-length film about the history of alternative music, politics and culture from 1990 through 2008 through the experience of America’s first touring festival; and an untitled documentary about the video game revolution in collaboration with Mekanism for MTV Films and EA.

[edit] Personal life

Timoner has one son, named Joaquim, with Vasco Nunes.

[edit] Filmography

[edit] References

[edit] External links