Omukama of Bunyoro

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Omukama of Bunyoro is the name given to rulers of the central African kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara. The kingdom lasted as an independent state from the 16th to the 19th century. The Omukama of Bunyoro remains an important figure in Ugandan politics, especially among the Banyoro people of whom he is the titular head.

Pursuant to Chapter Sixteen of the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda, 1995.,

Sc 246. Institution of traditional or cultural leaders.

(1) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution, the institution of traditional leader or cultural leader may exist in any area of Uganda in accordance with the culture, customs and traditions or wishes and aspirations of the people to whom it applies.

(2) In any community, where the issue of traditional or cultural leader has not been resolved, the issue shall be resolved by the community concerned using a method prescribed by Parliament.

(3) The following provisions shall apply in relation to traditiona leaders or cultural leaders—

(a) the institution of traditional leader or a cultural leader shall be a corporation sole with perpetual succession and with capacity to sue and be sued and to hold assets or properties in trust for itself and the people concerned; (b) nothing in paragraph (a) shall be taken to prohibit a traditional leader or cultural leader from holding any asset or property acquired in a personal capacity; (c) a traditional leader or cultural leader shall enjoy such privileges and benefits as may be conferred by the Government and local government or as that leader may be entitled to under cultu re, custom and tradition; (d) subject to paragraph (c) of this clause, no person shall be compelled to pay allegiance or contribute to the cost of maintaining a traditional leader or cultural leader; (e) a person shall not, while remaining a traditional leader or cultural leader, join or participate in partisan politics; (f) a traditional leader or cultural leader shall not have or exercise any administrative, legislative or executive powers of Government or local government.

(4) The allegiance and privileges accorded to a traditional leader or a cultural leader by virtue of that office shall not be regarded as a discriminatory practice prohibited under article 21 of this Constitution; but any custom, practice, usage or tradition relating to a traditional leader or cultural leader which detracts from the rights of any person as guaranteed by this Constitution, shall be taken to be prohibited under that article.

(5) For the avoidance of doubt, the institution of traditional leader or cultural leader existing immediately before the coming into force of this Constitution shall be taken to exist in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution. (6) For the purposes of this article, “traditional leader or cultural leader” means a king or similar traditional leader or cultural leader by whatever name called, who derives allegiance from the fact of birth or descent in accordance with the customs, traditions, usage or consent of the people led by that traditional or cultural leader.

[edit] List of Bunyoro Omukamas

  • Rukidi of Bunyoro - late fifteenth century
  • Ocaki of Bunyoro - late fifteenth/early sixteenth century
  • Oyo Nyiba of Bunyoro - early sixteenth century
  • Winyi I of Bunyoro - early sixteenth century
  • Olimi I of Bunyoro- mid sixteenth century
  • Nyabongo of Bunyoro - mid sixteenth century
  • Winyi II of Bunyoro - late sixteenth century/early seventeenth century
  • Olimi II of Bunyoro - mid seventeenth century
  • Nyarwa of Bunyoro - mid seventeenth century
  • Cwamali of Bunyoro - mid seventeenth century
  • Masamba of Bunyoro - late seventeenth century
  • Kyebambe I of Bunyoro - late seventeenth century
  • Winyi III of Bunyoro - early eighteenth century
  • Nyaika of Bunyoro - early eighteenth century
  • Kyebambe II of Bunyoro - early eighteenth century
  • Olimi III of Bunyoro - c. 1710-1731
  • Duhaga of Bunyoro - 1731- c. 1782
  • Olimi IV of Bunyoro - c. 1782-1786
  • Nyamutukura Kyebambe III of Bunyoro - 1786-1835
  • Nyabongo II of Bunyoro - 1835-1848
  • Olimi V of Bunyoro - 1848-1852
  • Kyebambe IV of Bunyoro - 1852-1869
  • Kabarega of Bunyoro - 1869-1898
  • Kitahimbwa of Bunyoro - 1898-1902
  • Duhaga II of Bunyoro - 1902-1924
  • Winyi IV of Bunyoro - 1925-1967
  • From 1967 until 1994 the monarchy was discontinued by the Ugandan government
  • Iguru I of Bunyoro - 1994-present