Omega Ranger

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From Power Rangers: SPD
Title(s) Omega Ranger
First appearance Sam, Part 1 (Power Rangers: S.P.D.)
Last appearance Endings, Part 2 (Power Rangers: S.P.D.)
Status Active
Affiliations/Relatives Space Patrol Delta
Homeworld Earth
Weapons/Gear Omega Morpher
Zords Omega Max Cycle/Omega Max Megazord
Portrayed by Brett Stewart (voice)
Aaron James Murphy (child)
Yuri Lowenthal in Power Rangers: Super Legends

The Omega Ranger (Sam) is a fictional character from the Power Rangers universe, appearing in the television series Power Rangers: S.P.D., set in the future year 2025. Sam's number is the Roman numeral 6 (VI) since Sam is noted to be the real 6th Ranger of the team. Sam is the English Power Rangers: S.P.D. counterpart of the Japanese Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger's Hikaru and Dekabreak (Tekkan "Tetsu" Aira).


[edit] History and Powers

Sam was once a very lonely and misunderstood street orphan whose mother died in a tragic incident and whose genetic powers (of being able to teleport objects) made him a constant target for bullies. His desperate search for friends led him to be manipulated by Mora and her newest creation Bugglesworth, who turned people into dolls for Mora to collect. While the other Rangers were quick to judge Sam poorly, Z realized that Sam was not evil and just wanted to fit in. Although it took a lot of convincing, Sam eventually agreed to stay with his new friend and the other Rangers at the S.P.D. Academy.

Adult Sam, the man behind Omega Ranger's visor
Adult Sam, the man behind Omega Ranger's visor

In the year 2040, Sam was chosen by S.P.D. to become the Omega Ranger and charged with a special mission: travelling back through time to 2025 to stop the rogue Morgana from destroying the Rangers and eventually Earth, thus preventing the disaster that has befallen his world. He destroyed Shorty upon the start of the deciding battle and drove off Morgana and Devastation however he refused help believing the Rangers of this time too outdated to help him. He later learned he was wrong when the other Rangers rushed to his aid when he was in trouble and together they saved the future by riding the Delta Squad Megazord on the back of the Omegamax Cycle and blasting Devastation's robot until it was destroyed and then capturing him. This battle taught him the value of teamwork. However, passing through the time warp heavily altered his human form, reducing him to a floating orb of pure energy. Due to this setback, his only remotely-human form is his Ranger form. As Kat searched for a way to send him back to the future, he assisted the B-Squad Rangers in their battle to save Earth.

Omega joined the B-Squad to prevent Emperor Gruumm's invasion and brought with him a powerful array of futuristic equipment including the Uniforce Cycle, a Zord known as the Omegamax Cycle, and the Omega Morpher, which allows him to perform various feats including temporal manipulation (Hyper Mode), strength increase (Muscle Mode), electric busts (Electro Mode), and Judgment Mode. His suit brandishes the Roman Numeral for six, "VI".

When some friends of Piggy stole the S.W.A.T. technology, Sam's technological advancements were outmatched, but, as he is "the force from the future", he was always at the Rangers disposal when they needed him.

During the final battle against Gruumm, Sam's old friend Nova Ranger came looking for him. After the battle ended, the two of them returned to the future. Presumably she was able to return him to human form as he unmorphed for a moment before traveling back to the future.

As Young Sam, he was portrayed by Aaron James Murphy. As the Omega Ranger, he was voiced by Brett Stewart.

[edit] In other media

The Omega Ranger appears in both versions of the video game Power Rangers: Super Legends. In the Nintendo DS version, he appears to help the members of Time Force but he is stranded in the Hall of Legends, the repository of all Power Ranger history, when his Omega Crystal is shattered. He becomes a playable character when all the pieces are found.

In the console version of the game the Omega Ranger is also a playable character but has a smaller role, simply being one of the members of Space Patrol Delta approached for help. The custodian of the Hall of Legends in this version is also called the Omega Ranger, but any connection between the two Rangers goes unexplained. On the PS2 version of Power Rangers: Super Legends, the Omega Ranger is voiced by Yuri Lowenthal.

[edit] Appearances

Sam appears four times in the series, each time in a different form:

  1. Young Sam
  2. Energy Ball
  3. Omega Ranger
  4. Adult Sam

Sam appeared in the following episodes -

[edit] As Youngest Sam

  • 7. Sam (1)
  • 8. Sam (2)

[edit] As an Energy Ball

  • 18. Samurai
  • 19. Dismissed
  • 20. Perspective
  • 21. Messenger (1)
  • 22. Messenger (2)
  • 23. Zapped
  • 25. Reflections (2)
  • 27. SWAT (2)

[edit] As The Omega Ranger

  • 22. Messenger (2)
  • 23. Zapped
  • 25. Reflections (2)
  • 26. SWAT (1)
  • 27. SWAT (2)
  • 28. Robotpalooza
  • 29. Katastrophe
  • 30. Missing
  • 31. History
  • 32. Impact
  • 33. Badge
  • 34. Wormhole
  • 36. Resurrection
  • 37. Endings (1)
  • 38. Endings (2)

[edit] Adult Sam

  • 38. Endings (2) (briefly appeared in this form)
Preceded by
Trent Mercer
White Ranger
Succeeded by
Preceded by
Trent Mercer
Male White Ranger
Succeeded by
Rhino Ranger (?)