Olympic Primary School

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The Olympic Primary School is a government-run primary school in Kenya. It is located in Kibera, a slum district in the capital Nairobi. The school was established in 1980. Over the ensuing years the school was successful in national examinations and thus attracted pupils from all social classes, from millionares families, middle-classes, working classes and the penniless slum dwellers. There was no school in the city matching the background of the roots of the pupils found here.

The school is partly funded by the British government and consistently places near the top of Kenya's school league tables. It received a visit from British Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown in January, 2005. The aim of the visit was to learn about the effects of the 2003 introduction of free primary schooling.

There were some 1,700 students at the school prior to 2003. Some 5,000 students attempted to enroll at the time that school fees were abolished, but not all could be accommodated. Some disappointed persons became unruly and rioting almost broke out. As of 2005, enrollment is approximately 2,200.The introduction of 'free education' has in essence created further problems for the education sector since all the deep rooted issues in the sector were not addressed in detail but rather the government at the time introduced 'free education' as an appeasement to gain heavy political mileage from the poorer kenyan public that form the greater majority of the voters.

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