Officers of the Kingdom of Cyprus

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The Kingdom of Cyprus, as an offshoot of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, maintained many of the same offices, such as: seneschal, constable, marshal, admiral, Chamberlain, and chancellor.

The Officers of the Kingdom of Cyprus from its founding through the thirteenth century were:


[edit] Seneschal

[edit] Constable

[edit] Marshal

  • Hugh Martin (1194-1196)
  • Renaud de Soissons (1210-1217)
  • Adam de Gaures of Antioch
  • John of Antioch (1247), son of prec.
  • Anceau
  • William de Canet (1269)
  • Simon de Montolif (see above)

[edit] Admiral

[edit] Chamberlain

  • Amaury de Bethsan (1218-1220)
  • Geoffrey le Tor (1247)
  • Philip de Cassie (1269)
  • Walter of Antioch (1286)

[edit] Chancellor

[edit] References

  • La Monte, John L. Feudal Monarchy in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem 1100 to 1291. Medieval Academy of America, 1932.