Odd Man Out (Prison Break episode)

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Odd Man Out
Prison Break episode
Episode no. Season 1
Episode 12
Written by Karyn Usher
Directed by Bobby Roth
Production no. 1AKJ11
Original airdate November 21, 2005
Season 1 episodes
  1. Pilot
  2. Allen
  3. Cell Test
  4. Cute Poison
  5. English, Fitz or Percy
  6. Riots, Drills and the Devil (Part 1)
  7. Riots, Drills and the Devil (Part 2)
  8. The Old Head
  9. Tweener
  10. Sleight of Hand
  11. And Then There Were 7
  12. Odd Man Out
  13. End of the Tunnel
  14. The Rat
  15. By the Skin and the Teeth
  16. Brother's Keeper
  17. J-Cat
  18. Bluff
  19. The Key
  20. Tonight
  21. Go
  22. Flight
List of Prison Break episodes

"Odd Man Out" is the twelfth episode of television series Prison Break, written by Karyn Usher and directed by Bobby Roth. It was first aired on November 21, 2005 in the United States. The episode features Michael's final preparation for his first escape attempt and the increasing friction between the escape team members.

[edit] Summary

C-Note overhears Michael and Lincoln talking about how they have too many people in the escape team and tells the others that one of them has to go. The party decides unanimously that T-Bag has to be left behind. Knowing that they would be ganging up on him, T-Bag notifies the group that he has an "insurance policy", a plan that involves his cousin Jimmy informing Henry Pope of the breakout if he doesn't receive a call from T-Bag 5 minutes before and 20 minutes after the escape. Abruzzi calls on his mob friends to kidnap this "insurance policy" for a few days until the escape is over.

Meanwhile, Veronica and LJ are at the hospital waiting for Nick's surgery. Noticing in the newspaper that his mother's funeral had taken place, LJ leaves without telling Veronica. At the cemetery, Agent Hale watches LJ from a distance as he cries on the coffin and is saddened by his grief. When LJ returns to the hospital, Hale follows him to the room where Veronica was sitting by Nick's side. He watches from behind as LJ cries on Veronica's shoulders. Disobeying Kellerman's order to kill them, Hale walks away.

Currently, Bellick confronts Michael in the infirmary just before his shot and says that he has learned about the contraband that Nika had given him. After Bellick leaves, Michael tries to explain to Sara about Nika; how he married her so she can get her green card. Sara says that she saw Nika coming out of the conjugal, to which Michael replies that it was just business. Without another word, Sara leaves after administering Michael's insulin shot.

Michael makes his final preparation for his escape. He needs to find a way to get through the grate that is 20 feet above the pipe which he just crawled through. Michael uses water to fill up the entire space between the pipe and the grate. With the rope and suit he took last time from the personal items storage room, Michael proceeds to swim up to the grate which is in a maintenance room directly beneath the infirmary. He ties the rope to the grate, and releases the suit which he used to block the water from draining. Michael walks up to the pipe which he had corroded and looks up to see Dr. Tancredi cleaning her hands. The final route to the infirmary is now ready.

Abruzzi's henchman tells him that the kidnap went wrong and they ended up killing Jimmy and his young child. Abruzzi is shocked by this and is filled with a guilty conscience. In his cell, Abruzzi is disillusioned as he stares continuously at the rust stain on the wall, envisioning the picture of Jesus Christ's crown of thorns. Abruzzi asks for forgiveness from the priest and begins to pray. Angered by the death of his cousins, T-Bag cuts Abruzzi's throat with a razorblade after a confrontation in which Abruzzi gave up an opportunity to kill T-bag. Abruzzi lies on the floor, grasping his throat with blood everywhere.

As the team waits for Michael to climb through the hole, C.O. Geary suddenly comes and wants to check on the status. Lincoln blocks his entry after Westmoreland told him to stall Geary as Michael still hasn't appeared. Lincoln ends up in solitary confinement after punching Geary in a desperate attempt to keep the escape plan a secret.

[edit] External links