Objection to the consideration of a question

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Objection to the consideration of a question is a method in parliamentary procedure of preventing a motion from coming before the assembly.[1] It is often used to prevent an embarrasing question from being introduced and debated in the assembly.

[edit] Explanation and Use

Objection to the consideration of a question (RONR)
Class Incidental motion
In order when another has the floor When another has been assigned the floor, until debate has begun or a subsidiary motion has been stated by the chair
Second No
Debatable No
Amendable No
Vote Required Two-thirds against consideration sustains objection
Reconsider Negative vote (sustaining objection) only

[edit] Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised (RONR)

It requires a two-thirds vote to be sustained and is not debatable. It is classed as an incidental motion. This objection may be applied only to an original main motion, that is, a main motion that brings a new substantive issue before the assembly, as opposed to an incidental main motion. The objection may be raised only before debate has begun on the motion, as the purpose is to completely suppress debate on the motion.

[edit] The Standard Code (TSC)

This motion is not recognized in The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure and is criticized for being confusing. The Standard Code offers alternative motions for accomplishing the same purpose.[2] Some organizations have bylaw provisions specifying that an objection to the consideration of a question is not in order at any time.

[edit] Legislative Use

Mason's Legislative Manual states that the purpose of the objection to consideration is to bar from discussion or consideration "any matter that is considered irrelevant, contentious or unprofitable, or that, for any reason, is thought not advisable to discuss."[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ Robert, Henry M. (2000). Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised, 10th ed., p. 258
  2. ^ Sturgis, Alice (2001). The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, 4th ed., p. 233-234
  3. ^ National Conference of State Legislatures (2000). Mason's Manual of Legislative Procedure, 2000 ed., p. 218