Object-oriented software engineering
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Object-oriented software engineering (OOSE) is an object modeling language and methodology
OOSE was developed by Ivar Jacobson in 1992 while at Objectory AB. It is the first object-oriented design methodology to employ use cases to drive software design. It also uses other design products similar to those used by OMT.
The tool Objectory was created by the team at Objectory AB to implement the OOSE methodology. After success in the marketplace, other tool vendors also supported OOSE.
After Rational bought Objectory AB, the OOSE notation, methodology, and tools became superseded.
- As one of the primary sources of the Unified Modeling Language (UML), concepts and notation from OOSE have been incorporated into UML.
- The methodology part of OOSE has since evolved into the Rational Unified Process (RUP).
- The OOSE tools have been replaced by tools supporting UML and RUP.
OOSE has been largely replaced by the UML notation and by the RUP methodology.