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On the evenings of June 26th and June 27th of 1959, an Anglican priest named William B. Gill at his mission in Bosinai, Papas New Guinea observed UFOs along with a group of over twenty-five people, including natives, teachers and medical technicians. Upon signaling to the humanoids they received a response, thus establishing a rudimentary communication with them.

[edit] The Sighting

According to an account from William Gill obtained by Bill Chalker, just the day before his sighting an assistant teacher at his mission had a UFO sighting which he was to report. This period of time was host to 60 sightings in the area of his mission.

On the first evening of the sightings, on June 26, 1959, there were four hours of sightings experienced at the mission. Gill saw a bright white light in the northern skill that appeared to be approaching the mission at about 100 meters above ground. Eventually 30 people gathered to watch the UFO; the witness include teachers Steven Gill Moi and Ananias Rarata, and Mrs. Nessle Moi.

The object is reported to resemble a large disc-shaped object, apparently solid and circular, with a wide base and a narrower upper deck, and at about a 30 degree elevation in the sky. It hovered over the sea at about 150 meters above the water, and seemed stationary during 25 minutes of observation.

It appeared to have four 'legs' underneath it. The object glowed, and there appeared to be about four 'portholes' on the side of the object that seemed to glow a bit brighter than the rest. Periodically the craft produced a upward shining shaft of blue light, extending into the sky at about a 45 degree angle.

At varying periods of time between one and four humanoids came out of the object onto what seemed to be a deck on its top. At some point the shaft of blue light disappeared, along with the humanoids, and the object moved through some clouds. There were also other UFO sightings during the night.

The next night, on June 27, 1959, a lady named Annie Laurie sighted a UFO at 6 PM. It was in apparently the same position as the craft the night before. There were two smaller UFOs seen at the same time, one about the hills west, and another overhead.

On the large craft one of the two humanoid figures seemed to be doing something near the center of the deck, occasionally bending over and raising their arms. It looked as if it were adjusting or "setting up" something unseen to the observers. One humanoid figure seemed to be standing looking down at the group of about twelve witnesses.

At this point Father Gill stretched his arm over his head and waved at the on looking figure, and was surprised when the humanoid waved back. The onlooker named Ananias waved both arms over his head, and the two outside figures did the same. Then Father Gill and Ananias began waving their arms, and all four seemed to wave back. There was a definite communication occurring between the occupants of the craft and the witnesses on the group.

As dark approached Father Gill sent an Eric Kodawara for a torch, with which Father Gill directed a series of long dashes towards the UFO. After about two minutes of this, the UFO apparently acknowledged his efforts by making several wavering motions back and forth. Waving by William and Ananias was repeated, followed by more flashes of the torch, and then the UFO began to slowly approach Father Gill and the group.

After about a minute of movement towards the group the UFO became stationary, and after about three minutes the figures went "below" the deck atop the craft. At 6:25 PM two of the figures reappeared, apparently continuing what they were doing before. Twice their blue spotlight came back on.

Father Gill and the mission people called out to the humanoids on the craft, even unto shouting, trying to get them to descend, but got no response beyond any previously obtained. Two smaller UFOs higher up remained stationary during the entire occurrence.

By 6:30 PM when nothing had changed Father Gill went to dinner. When questioned about why he would leave such an "extraordinary" event, William responds that to him it was an ordinary object, like a Ford car. He said he realized some people might think of it as some kind of hovercraft, as it did not look eerie or otherworldly, but like a perfectly normal sort of object. He also said that the figures inside looked perfectly human, and he thought that if he could get them to land he'd find they were ordinary earthmen who would have dinner at the mission.

At 7 PM the 'No. 1 UFO' was still present, thought it appeared smaller. After the group of observers returned from church, the visibility was very limited due to cloud cover. Nothing else was seen that night, though at about 10:40 PM a very penetrating 'ear-splitting' explosion was heard, waking people at the mission. It felt as if coming from right outside. Nothing had been seen, but the whole sky was overcast.

[edit] Reporting the Incident, Controversy, and Investigation

In 1959 Papua New Guinea was still a territory of Australia, and Gather Gill was scheduled to return there at the time of the sightings, which presented an opportunity to assess the veracity of his reports. All investigators found his report to be impressive. Although the leading civilian UFO related organization, called the Victorian Flying Saucer Research Society, found his account to be the most remarkable every reported to civilian investigators, military and others put forth other explanations including sight of planets, natural phenomena colored by subconscious influence, refracted light, a false horizon combined with a squid boat being a sea, and suggesting that only a small number sightings are left explained. Analysis of rough bearings and angle does suggest at least some of the lights could have been the planets Jupiter, Saturn, and Mars.

Dr. Alien Hynek and the staff of his Center for UFO Studies, after going to great lengths to investigate the account, concluded that the 'Lesser UFOs' could be attributable to bright stars and planets, but not the primary object. Points sighted include its size, and its absence of movement after over three hours of observation.

In 1973, Alien Hynek visited Australia and Papua New Guinea and found six witnesses of the events, who all supported Gill's version of what happened.

[edit] Reference