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Obatzda is a Bavarian cheese delicacy. It is prepared by mixing one third aged Camembert, one third aged Romadur cheese (60%) and one third butter. As spices add sweet or hot paprika powder (1-2 tbsp.), salt, pepper, onions, and optional amounts of garlic, horseradish, cloves, ground cumin or caraway seeds and some cream. Mash everything together into a smooth mass. It is usually eaten spread on bread or pretzels. Obatzda is a classic example of Bavarian biergarten food.
A similar Austrian/Slovakian recipe is called Liptauer which substitutes curd for the cheeses and the butter, but uses the same spice mix.
The name is the Bavarian dialect pronunciation of the Standard "High" German Angebatzter, which roughly translates to "mashed one" in English.