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King of herrings
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Lampriformes
Family: Regalecidae


Oarfish are large, greatly elongated, pelagic Lampriform fish comprising the small family Regalecidae.[1] Found in all temperate to tropical oceans yet rarely seen, the oarfish family contains four species in two genera. One of these, the king of herrings (Regalecus glesne), is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest bony fish alive, at up to 11 meters (12 yards, 1 inch) in length.[citation needed]

The common name oarfish is presumably in reference to either their highly compressed and elongated bodies or the shape and use of their pelvic fins. The family name Regalecidae is derived from the Latin regalis, meaning "royal". The occasional beachings of oarfish after storms, and their habit of lingering at the surface when sick or dying, make oarfish a probable source of many sea serpent tales.

Although the larger species are considered game fish and are (to a minor extent) fished commercially, oarfish are rarely caught alive; their flesh is not well regarded due to its gelatinous consistency.


[edit] Anatomy and morphology

Oarfish that washed ashore on a Bermuda beach in 1860. The animal was 16 feet long and was originally described as a sea serpent.
Oarfish that washed ashore on a Bermuda beach in 1860. The animal was 16 feet long and was originally described as a sea serpent.

The tapering, ribbony silver bodies of oarfish—together with an impressive, pinkish to cardinal red dorsal fin—help explain the perception of majesty taken from rare encounters. The dorsal fin originates from above the (relatively small) eyes and runs the entire length of the fish. Of the ca. 400 dorsal fin rays, the first 10–12 are elongated to varying degrees, forming a trailing crest embellished with reddish spots and flaps of skin at the ray tips. The pelvic fins are similarly elongated and adorned, reduced to 1–5 rays each. The pectoral fins are greatly reduced and situated low on the body. The anal fin is completely absent and the caudal fin may be reduced or absent as well, with the body tapering to a fine point. All fins lack true spines. At least one account describes the oarfish as giving off "electric shocks" when touched[citation needed].

Like other members of its order, the oarfish has a small yet highly protrusible oblique mouth with no visible teeth. The body is scaleless and the skin covered with easily abraded, silvery guanine. In the streamer fish (Agrostichthys parkeri), the skin is clad with hard tubercles. All species lack gas bladders and the number of gill rakers is variable.

Oarfish coloration is also variable; the flanks are commonly covered with irregular bluish to blackish streaks, black dots, and squiggles. These markings quickly fade following death. The king of herrings is by far the largest member of the family at a published total length of 11 meters (with unconfirmed reports of 15 meters or more) and 272 kilograms in weight. The streamer fish is known to reach 3 meters total length whilst the largest recorded specimen of Regalecus russelii measured just 5.5 centimeters standard length. It is probable that this little-known species can regularly reach a maximum length of at least 15.2 meters (50 feet).[citation needed]

[edit] Distribution

The members of the family are known to have a somewhat worldwide range. However, specific encounters with live individuals in situ are rare and distribution information is collated from records of oarfishes caught or washed ashore.[citation needed]

[edit] Ecology and life history

Stranded oarfish
Stranded oarfish

Rare encounters with divers and accidental catches by trawls have supplied what little is known of oarfish behavior and ecology. Apparently solitary animals, oarfish may frequent significant depths from 20–1,000 meters. In Bermuda, Teddy Tucker, a fisherman and treasure hunter, has reported their surfacing at night when lights were at the surface. It is possible that the light attracted them.

[edit] Behavior

It was not until 2001 that an oarfish was filmed alive and in situ: the 1.5 meter fish was spotted by a group of US Navy personnel during the inspection of a buoy in the Bahamas [1]. The oarfish was observed to propel itself via an amiiform mode of swimming; that is, rhythmically undulating the dorsal fin whilst keeping the body itself straight. Perhaps indicating a feeding posture, oarfish have been observed swimming in a vertical orientation, with their long axes perpendicular to the ocean surface. In this posture the downstreaming light would silhouette the oarfishes' prey, making them easier to spot.

[edit] Feeding ecology

Oarfish feed primarily on zooplankton, selectively straining tiny euphausiids, shrimp, and other crustaceans from the water. Small fish, jellyfish, and squid are also taken. Large open-ocean carnivores are all likely predators of oarfish, and include the Oceanic whitetip shark.

[edit] Life history

The oceanodromous Regalecus glesne is recorded as spawning off Mexico from July to December; all species are presumed to be non-guarders and release buoyant eggs which are incorporated into the zooplankton. Larvae and juveniles have been observed drifting just below the surface, where they too feed primarily on plankton. In contrast, adult oarfish are rarely seen at the surface when not sick or injured.

[edit] Etymology and taxonomic history

  • Genus Agrostichthys
    • Streamer fish, Agrostichthys parkeri (Benham, 1904)
  • Genus Regalecus

[edit] See also

[edit] Bibliography

  • "Regalecidae". FishBase. Ed. Rainer Froese and Daniel Pauly. February 2005 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2005.
  • Pete Thomas, Blue Demons, The Los Angeles Times, August 26, 2006.
  • "Woman angler lands legendary sea monster". Russell Jenkins. February 2005 version. The Times Online; February 21, 2003.
  • Fishes: An Introduction to ichthyology. Peter B. Moyle and Joseph J. Cech, Jr; p. 338. Printed in 2004. Prentice-Hall, Inc; Upper Saddle River, NJ. ISBN 0-13-100847-1

[edit] References

  1. ^ "Regalecidae". FishBase. Ed. Rainer Froese and Daniel Pauly. March 2007 version. N.p.: FishBase, 2007.

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