O Estado de S. Paulo

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O Estado de S. Paulo
Type Daily newspaper
Format Broadsheet

Owner S.A. O Estado de S. Paulo
Editor Roberto Gazzi
Founded January 4, 1875
Political allegiance Liberal
Headquarters Av. Eng. Caetano Álvares, 55
São Paulo, Brazil

Website: www.estadao.com.br
Current symbol of the newspaper.
Current symbol of the newspaper.

O Estado de S. Paulo ("The State of São Paulo") is a daily newspaper published in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, and distributed mainly nationally. It is owned by Grupo Estado, which publishes the Jornal da Tarde and owns the radios Rádio Eldorado AM and FM and the Estado Agency, largest news agency in Brazil. It is the second largest metropolitan newspaper in Brazil, only behind Folha de São Paulo. It is nicknamed the Estadão (lit. "Big State"). The journal was founded relying on the ideals of republicans on January 4 of 1875, and was firstly called A Província de São Paulo[1] ("The Province of São Paulo").

The motto of the newspaper is Estadão, o jornal que pensa ÃO. "Ão" is a Portuguese suffix that, when added, shows that the thing one is talking about is a big one (for example Estado means "state" in Portuguese, so when the "ão" is added, such as in "Estadão", it literally means "Big State". Therefore the motto of the newspaper means "Estadão, the newspaper that thinks BIG."

The current publisher is S.A O Estado de S. Paulo[2]


[edit] History

The term Província ("Province") was preserved until January of 1890, one month after the fall of the Monarchy and the regime change to the Republican institution in Brazil.[1] Although the newspaper supported the change, it showed that it was completely independent, refusing even to serve its interests to the ascendant Republican Party of São Paulo .

When the then editor in chief Francisco Rangel Pestana left to work in a project of the Constitution, in Petrópolis, the young editor Julio Mesquita effectively took on the direction of Estado and initiated a series of innovations. One of the innovations was the engagement of the agency Havas, back then the largest in the world.

[edit] 19th Century

In the end of the 19th century, the Estado was already the largest newspaper in São Paulo, overcoming the Correio Paulistano. Property of the Mesquita family since 1902[3], the Estado supported the allied cause in World War I, suffering reprisal from the German community in the city, that removed all the announcements from the newspaper. Despite this, the Mesquitas maintained the position of their diary. During the war, the vespertine edition of the newspaper began to circulate around the country. It was known as Estadinho (lit. "Little State"), directed by the then young Júlio de Mesquita Filho.

In 1924, the newspaper Estado was banned from circulating for the first time, after the defeat of the tenentes rebellion that shook the entire city. Julio Mesquita, who tried to intermediate a dialogue between the rebels and the government, was imprisoned and taken to Rio de Janeiro, being freed shortly later.[4]

With the death of the old director of 1927, his son Julio de Mesquita Filho assumed the directory along with his brother Franscisco, the latter taking care of the financial parts of the newspaper.

In 1930 the Estado, connected to the Democratic Party, supported the candidature of Getúlio Vargas for the Liberal Alliance.[4] With the victory of Vargas, the newspaper saw the Brazilian Revolution of 1930 as a mark of the end of the oligarchy system.[4]

The called Grupo do Estado assumed in 1932 the leadership of the constitutionalist revolution. With its defeat, many people from the directory were exiled, including Júlio de Mesquita Filho and Francisco Mesquita[4] One year later, in the month of August, Getúlio Vargas invited Armando de Salles Oliveira to be the governor in São Paulo. Armando Salles, that was son-in-law of Júlio Mesquita (already deceased by then) imposed as a condition to accept the job the amnesty of the rebels of 1932 and a convocation of a Constituent assembly. Vargas agreed and Júlio de Mesquita Filho and Francisco Mesquita, as well as other exiled people returned to Brazil.[5]

Years later, with the appearance of the Estado Novo, the newspaper maintained the opposition to the regime and, in March of 1940, it was invaded by DOPS (part of the government that controlled and restrained people and movements that were against the regime in the Estado Novo) that, with absurdity and mockery, said that "guns were arrested" in the redaction.The newspaper was initially closed and afterwards was confiscated by the dictature, being administrated by DIP (Department of Imprense and Propaganda) until 1945, when the Estado was given back by the Supreme Federal Court to its legitimate owners. The numbers published after the intervention are not considered in the history of the diary.

Shortly after World War II the Estado recognized a lot of progression, with the increase in editing and of its good reputations. In the 1950s new headquarters were constructed, the building of the Major Quedinho Street, that would still hold the famous Hotel Jaraguá. That was the phase when the section Internacional ("International") of the newspaper, directed by the journalist Giannino Carta and by Ruy Mesquita, became to be considered the most complete of the Brazilian journalism. The Estado, from this epoch until the 1970s, showed in its first page almost exclusively the international news.

[edit] República Nova

During the República Nova ("New Republic") (1946-1964) the Estado profiled itself to the National Democratic Union of Carlos Lacerda and opposed all the other governments, especially of João Goulart. In 1962, the director Julio de Mesquita Filho even wrote a Roteiro da Revolução ("Guide to Revolution"), trying to unify the opposition of civilians to the army, the then called "boasting party", that from the beginning of the Republic used to intervene in the Brazilian politics. In 1964, the Estado supported the military coup[5] and the indirect election of Castello Branco. Shortly after the Institutional Act n° 2, that dissolved the other politic parties, the journal broke from the regime.[5]

[edit] Censure

On November 13 of 1968, the edition of the Estado was arrested because of the denial of Mesquita Filho to eliminate from the section Notas e Informações ("Notes and Informations") the editorial Instituições em Frangalhos ("Institutions in Frazzles").[6] where he denounced the end of any normal and simple democratic appearance. From then forth, the newspaper began to count on censors of the Brazilian Federal Police in its redactions, unlike the other big Brazilian newspapers that accepted to be censored.

With the death of Mesquita Filho, the Estado became directed by Julio de Mesquita Neto. In this period the newspaper gained worldwide visibility when it denounced the previous censure with the publication of the passages of Os Lusíadas, of Luís de Camões, instead of prohibited material by the censures.[6] In 1974, it received the Prêmio Pena de Ouro da Liberdade ("Prize Gold Feather of Liberty"), bestowed by the International Federation of Editions and Newspapers.[6]

From the 1970s the newspaper ran into debt to the construction of its new headquarters in the margins of the Tiete and passed into a financial crisis, disputing the market with the new standard of journalism represented by Folha de S. Paulo

[edit] 1980s

In 1986 the Estado engaged the renamed journalist Augusto Nunes to assume the post of directing the redaction. He renovated the news bulletin of the newspaper and endeavored a series of reformed graphics, that would result in the adoption, in 1991, of colors in the newspaper and in daily editions - until then the Estado did not circulate on Mondays and after holidays.

[edit] 1990s

In 1996 Julio de Mesquita Neto died and the newspaper became directed by his brother, Ruy Mesquita, until then director of Jornal da Tarde, owned by Grupo Estado.

[edit] Grupo Estado

After an unsuccessful experience in the area of telecommunications, the Grupo Estado passed by a restructuring in 2003 and most of the Mesquita family left their roles of direction. Massive layoffs occurred in that epoch.

After stabilizing the newspaper's economy, the Estado endeavored new graphic reformulation in October of 2004. It also created new notebooks and received many prizes for the excellency in graphics.

Other than the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo, the Grupo Estado publishes the Jornal da Tarde (1966)[5] and has control over the OESP Mídia (1984), company that operates in Advertising through Advertisements. Owned by Grupo Estado are the radios Rádio Eldorado AM and FM (1972) and the Estado Agency (1970), largest news agency in Brazil.[6]

[edit] Notas e Informações

Notas e Informações section.
Notas e Informações section.

The oldest of all the sections, known as Notas e Informações ("Notes and Informations"), always seen on page 3, maintains the traditional posture of the newspaper to unify, in its editions, politic conservatism and economic liberalism, being one of the most symbolic columns of the O Estado de S. Paulo. However, since the 1964 Brazilian coup d'état, and principally after 1968, the newspaper became more liberal, with the defense in editions of the legalization of the abortion in Brazil, the critiques of the presidents of USA George W. Bush and of France Nicolas Sarkozy, and the support to the candidate and president of the centre-left of Chile Michelle Bachelet.

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b (Portuguese) History of Estado de S. Paulo
  2. ^ "Espaço Aberto", O Estado de S. Paulo, 17/2/2008, page A2.
  3. ^ (Portuguese) History of Estado de S. Paulo (Cont.3)
  4. ^ a b c d (Portuguese) History of Estado de S. Paulo (Cont.4)
  5. ^ a b c d (Portuguese) History of Estado de S. Paulo (Cont.5)
  6. ^ a b c d (Portuguese) History of Estado de S. Paulo (Cont.6)

[edit] External Links