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The Ontario Association of Law Enforcement Planners (O.A.L.E.P.) is an organization based in Ontario, Canada and comprises members from Police agencies across the province.

The main website is [1].

[edit] O.A.L.E.P. STRATEGIC PLAN 2007-2008


The need to develop a Business Plan for the Ontario Association of Law Enforcement Planners (OALEP) was identified by the membership in attendance at the spring 2006 OALEP Conference. A discussion held at the Conference resulted in a consensus of the membership that the organization should determine the future direction with clearly defined goals and strategies.

On February 6th, 2007, the OALEP Executive Committee met to develop a proposed Mission Statement and Strategic Business Plan which was adopted by the membership at the spring 2007 OALEP meeting.


Rob Wallington, OALEP President Senior Planner Durham Regional Police Service

Barry Horrobin, OALEP [Treasurer] Director, Planning and Physical Resources Windsor Police Service

Ramona Morris, OALEP Program Director Research and Evaluation Unit Ontario Police College

Joan Atchison, OALEP Secretary Planner-Analyst, Corporate Services Division London Police Service

Mission Statement

O.A.L.E.P. is committed to excellence in law enforcement planning and evaluation by providing a forum to enhance professionalism, training, and networking in a spirit of innovation for continuous improvement.

Core Organizational Components

Planning and Evaluation Enhance Professionalism Promote Training Opportunities Encourage Networking

Strategic Business Plan

The goals and action plans of the O.A.L.E.P. Strategic Business Plan are based on the Core Organizational Components.

GOAL # 1

Increase the Value of OALEP Membership

Action Plans:

A. Conduct regular assessments of members’ needs

B. Enhance quality of conferences/symposia/meetings

• Provide high quality sessions on current/relevant topics • Maintain aspects of interactive forum • Ensure cost-effectiveness • Maintain variety of locations to ensure accessibility for all members

C. Develop a membership skills inventory

D. Provide quality training

• Host “International Association of Law Enforcement Planners” Course (anticipated spring 2008) • Provide advanced training opportunities (focused topics)

Performance Measurement:

Results of Conference/Symposium and Membership Surveys (pre/post Strategic Business Plan comparisons)

GOAL # 2

Expand Awareness of OALEP

Action Plans:

A. Continue to develop and enhance OALEP website

B. Develop partnerships with professional organizations

• Establish liaisons to attend conferences/symposia/events/meetings (OACP, OMBI, etc.)

C. Actively recruit new members

• Distribute letter of introduction/invitation • Telephone follow-up • All Chiefs

D. Pursue Celebrations of 25th OALEP Anniversary

• Conference/symposium theme/focus (Fall 2007) • Blue Line article

Performance Measurement:

Number of members (pre/post Strategic Business Plan comparisons)

[edit] External links

Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police [2]

Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police [3]

International Association of Law Enforcement Planners [4]