NZ South Island Party

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NZ South Island Party
Leader Pat McCarrigan, Alan McDonald
Number of MPs in the House of Representatives 0
Headquarters Dunedin
Political Ideology Regionalist
International Affiliation Not Affiliated
See also:
Politics & Government

House of Representatives
Speaker of the House of Representatives
Political parties
Prime Minister
Māori politics
Foreign relations

This article is about the South Island Party active in the 1999 election. it should not be confused with the [party] of the same name.

The NZ South Island Party was a New Zealand regionalist political party, advocating greater representational say for the South Island. The party is not currently registered. Its aims are for the establishment of a regional assembly to handle issues relating directly to the South Island.

The party is based in the Otago region, and led by Dunedin publican Pat McCarrigan and former trade unionist Alan McDonald. It was not very effective in achieving a wide acclaim, poor organisation and lack of financial resources probably being to blame. In the 1999 elections, the party put forward only five electorate candidates (with none in Canterbury) and seven list candidates.

The party won no seats in 1999, with just 0.14% of the vote or 2,622 votes in total across the whole country. Its highest percentage of the party vote in any seat was 1.5%, although one of their candidates received over 800 votes (2.6% of the votes cast in that electorate).

The party's registration was canceled at its own request [1] on 14 June 2002, and it did not contest the 2002 elections.

The South Island Independence movement is not a political party in its own right and may not be considered as being connected with the South Island Party, however its aims are generally regarded as being closely linked with those expressed by the South Island Party.

[edit] References