Nutting's Flycatcher

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Nutting's Flycatcher

Conservation status
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Tyrannidae
Genus: Myiarchus
Species: M. nuttingi
Binomial name
Myiarchus nuttingi
(Ridgway, 1882)

Nutting's Flycatcher, Myiarchus nuttingi, is a passerine bird in the tyrant flycatcher family. It breeds in semi-arid desert scrub and tropical deciduous forest from western Mexico to northwest Costa Rica. It is normally a year round resident, however has been known as an occasional vagrant to southern California and southern Arizona–(the Madrean sky islands region), in the United States.

The nest is built in a tree cavity or similar natural or man-made hole, and the normal clutch is three to five eggs.

Adult Nutting's Flycatchers are 18-19cm long and weigh 21-23g. The upperparts are olive brown, with a darker head and short crest. The breast is grey and the belly is a softly colored yellow. The brown tail feathers and wings have rufous outer webs, and there are two dull wing bars. The sexes are similar.

The Nutting's Flycatcher is separated from other confusingly similar Myiarchus species by its call, a sharp weeep.

This species is primarily an insectivore which catches its prey by flycatching amongst the undergrowth, but will also take berries.

The name of this bird commemorates the zoologist Charles Cleveland Nutting.

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