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Smash Bros. DOJO!!
[edit] Pokémon anime quotes
[edit] Steamboat Willies
Jessie: I don't care what those Pokémon party poopers thought. I liked our song.
James: Bet the kids did.
Meowth: Fat chance!
Meowth: First we steal the whole shebang then give the mess of them to the Boss. (imitates Giovanni) A fine pack of Pokémon and they're all mine. Feeding this gang may cost a fortune, but that's just what I happen to have. There's nothing like a pack of playful pals to put out the fires of stressful livin', and that lacky bunch is just what the doctor ordered. That Meowth, what a great guy!
Team Rocket: There's just one word, just a one-way. Rich, rich, rich, rich . . . .
Jessie's Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet!
James's Mime Jr.: Mime! Mime! Mime!