Nuclear power in Spain

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Nuclear power plants in Spain (view)
 Active plants
 Canceled plants
The contribution from nuclear power to Spain's energy portfolio increased until about 1988 and remained near constant from there on, but after that its market share declined as demand rose and use of traditional fossil fuels skyrocketed      thermofossil      hydroelectric      nuclear      Other renewables
The contribution from nuclear power to Spain's energy portfolio increased until about 1988 and remained near constant from there on, but after that its market share declined as demand rose and use of traditional fossil fuels skyrocketed      thermofossil      hydroelectric      nuclear      Other renewables

The first generation of nuclear plants in Spain were all turnkey projects, including the José Cabrera Nuclear Power Plant and the Vandellòs Nuclear Power Plant.

The second generation of plants were domestically built by companies including Empresarios Agrupados, INITEC and ENSA. Five of these were built.

The third generation includes the Trillo-1 and Vandellos-2. All of the other 5 units of this series were halted in the middle of construction after a moratorium stopping further construction passed in 1994. Capacity of the nuclear fleet has still increased since then due to power uprates.


[edit] Fuel Cycle

ENUSA is a company in Spain with various holdings in Uranium mining. A Uranium mine in Saelices el Chico was operated for some time, but is now decommissioned and Spain imports all of its Uranium fuel.

[edit] Back End

State owned Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos SA was established in 1984 and is the responsible outfit for radioactive waste disposal and decommissioning. There is a temporary dry storage facility at the Trillo Nuclear Power Plant, and research for a long term geological repository won't commence until 2010.

Funding for waste management is paid by a tax of 1% on all revenues from nuclear power, which is slightly less than for the United States, which is 1/10th of a cent per kWh (assuming costs are less than 10 cents per kWh it is less than 1%).

[edit] References

[edit] See also