Nuclear Safety Commission

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The Nuclear Safety Commission is a commission established within the Cabinet of Japan as an independent agency to play the main role in nuclear safety administration. Commissioners are appointed by the Prime Minister of Japan on Diet approval. The commission has stronger authority than any other ordinary advisory committees, in that the Commission can make recommendations to relevant agencies in the name of the Prime Minister if it is necessary.

The Nuclear Safety Commission reviews safety inspections conducted by regulatory agencies such as the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.

[edit] History

  • December 1955 Promulgation of the Atomic Energy Basic Law and Law Establishing the Atomic Energy Commission.
  • November 1956 Inauguration of Atomic Energy Commission.
  • October 1978 Nuclear Safety Commission spun off from Atomic Energy Commission.
  • January 1979 Consistent regulatory administration for nuclear safety introduced and counter- checking system established.
  • October 1981 Publication of the 1st White Paper on Nuclear Safety.
  • November 1999 Role of Nuclear Safety Commission legally specified with enactment of the Special Measures of Nuclear Disaster Act. Role to include technical advice to Prime Minister in nuclear disaster.
  • April 2000 Functions of Commission Secretariat transferred from old Science and Technology Agency to old Prime Minister's Office.
  • January 2001 With government reorganization, functions of Nuclear Safety Commission and its Secretariat transferred to Cabinet Office.
  • December 2002 Strengthening the functional capability of overlooking and auditing the activities of regulatory body on account of the amendment of the regulation laws on the nuclear reactors, etc.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links