NSP6 (rotavirus)

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Gene 11 of Rotavirus encodes a nonstructural protein, NSP5 and also encodes NSP6, from an out of phase open reading frame.[1]. In contrast to the other rotavirus non-structural proteins, NSP6 was found to have a high rate of turnover, being completely degraded within 2h of synthesis. NSP6 was found to be a sequence independent nucleic acid binding protein, with similar affinities for ssRNA and dsRNA.[2]

  1. ^ Mohan, K V; C D Atreya (2001- Dec). "Nucleotide sequence analysis of rotavirus gene 11 from two tissue culture-adapted ATCC strains, RRV and Wa.". Virus genes 23 (3): 321–9. doi:10.1023/A:1012577407824. 11778700. 
  2. ^ Rainsford, Edward W; Malcolm A McCrae (2007- Jul- 19). "Characterization of the NSP6 protein product of rotavirus gene 11.". Virus Res. 17658646 doi:10.1016/j.virusres.2007.06.011.