Nové Zámky District

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Nové Zámky District
Region (kraj) Nitra Region
Population 149,594 (2001)
Area 1,347 km² (520 sq mi)
Time Zone
• Summer DST
Telephone prefix +421-?
Car registration plate NZ
Nové Zámky District location map

Nové Zámky District (okres Nové Zámky) is a district in the Nitra Region of western Slovakia. Until 1918, the area of the district was split between several Hungarian counties: the largest area in the north formed part of Nitra; an area in the south between Dvory nad Žitavou and Strekov formed part of Komárno; an area in the north-east around Veľké Lovce formed part of Tekov; a sizable area in the east formed part of Esztergom (Ostrihom); and a small area around Salka formed part of Hont.

[edit] Municipalities