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[edit] Scotti
Page 72-73: This is the true country of the Scots, who emigrating from hence added a third nation to the Britons and Picts in Albion. But I cannot agree with Bede, who affirms that the Scots were foreigners. For, according to the testimony of other authors, I conceive they derived their origin from Britain, situated at no considerable distance, passed over from thence, and obtained a settlement in this island. It is certain that the Damnii, Voluntii, Brigantes, Cangi, and other nations, were descended from the Britons, and passed over thither after Diritiacus, or Claudius, or Ostorius, or other victorious generals had invaded their original countries, lastly, The antient language, which resembles the old British and Gallic tongues, affords another argument, as is well known to persons skilled in both languages.
Page 73: The Rhobogdii occupied the coast of the island next to the Deucalidonian sea. Their metropolis was Rhobogdium. In the eastern part of their territories was situated the promontory of the same name; in the western, the Promontorium Boreum, or Northern Promontory. Their rivers were the Banna, Darabouna, Argitta, and Vidua; and towards the south, mountains separated them from the Scotti.
Page 75-76: It remains now to give some account of those people who lived in the interior parts. The Coriondii bordered upon the Cauci and Menapii, above the Brigantes: the Scotti possessed the remaining part of the island, which from them took the name of Scotia. Among many of their cities, the remembrance of two only has reached our times; the one Rheba, on the lake and river Rhebius; the other Ibernia, situated at the east side of the river Senus.
Page 84: 3650 The Belgae entered this country, and the Celtae occupied the region deserted by the Senones. Divitiacus king of the AEdui soon afterwards passed over with an army and subdued great part of this kingdom. About this time the Britons who were expelled by the Belgae emigrated to Ireland, formed a settlement, and were thenceforward called Scotti.
Page 88: 4320 The Scotti entered Britain under the conduct of the king Fergusius, and here fixed their residence.
Page 88: 4385 Theodosius slew Maximus the tyrant three miles from Aquileia. Maximus having nearly drained Britain of all its warlike youth, who followed the footsteps of his tyranny over Gaul, the fierce transmarine nations of the Scots from the south, and the Picts from the north, perceiving the island without soldiers and defenceless, oppressed it and laid it waste during a long series of years.
Page 88-89: 4396 The Britons indignantly submitting to the attacks of the Scots and Picts, sent to Rome, made an offer of submission, and requested assistance against their enemies. A legion being accordingly dispatched to their assistance, slew a great multitude of the barbarians, and drove the remainder beyond the confines of Britain. The legion, upon its departure homewards, advised its allies to construct a wall between the two aestuaries to restrain the enemy. A wall was accordingly made in an unskilful manner, with a greater, proportion of turf than stone, which was of no advantage; for on the departure of the Romans the former enemies returned in ships, slew, trampled on, and devoured all things before them like a ripened harvest.
Page 90: 4446 The Roman legion retiring from Britain, and refusing to return, the Scots and Picts ravaged all the island from the north as far as the wall, the guards of which being slain, taken prisoners, or driven away, and the wall itself broken through, the predatory enemy then poured into the country. An epistle was sent filled with tears and sorrows to FI. AEtius thrice consul, in the twenty-third year of Theodosius, begging the assistance of the Roman power, but without effect.
[edit] References
- Bertram, Charles (1757), The Description of Britain, Translated from Richard of Cirencester, London: J. White and Co (published 1809), <>. Retrieved on 22 March 2008
- Gibbon, Edward (1781), The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, vol. III, London: Methuen & Co (published 1901), <>. Retrieved on 26 April 2008