Notre Dame of Marbel University

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Notre Dame of Marbel University is an educational institution located in the City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, the Philippines. It is run by the Marist Brothers a Catholic religious order from France. It offers education Pre-school, Elementary, High School, College and Post Graduate courses.

[edit] History

Rev. Francis McSorley, OMI, founded Notre Dame of Marbel High School immediately class after the WW II to cater to the educational needs of the sons and daughters of the settlers of Koronadal valley. It was a coed and first high school in the area.

  • 1949 The 1st Graduation Exercises of the Notre Dame of Marbel High School (NDM) has undergone with 37 men & 16 women graduating.
  • 1950 Br. Edmund Conrad Paradis, FMS, took over the direction of the boys, while Mother Maria Ronquillo, RVM, took care of the girls. Fr. Matthew Casey, OMI, remained as the school director.
  • 1951 The Marist Brothers completely took over the management & ownership of the Notre Dame of Marbel (NDM) from the Oblate Fathers (OMI). Br. Edmund Conrad Paradis, FMS, became the director-principal of boys and girls department. The RVM Sisters left the school and the management of the girls was later taken over by the OP Sisters of Siena in the beginning of the school year 1959-1953.
  • 1952 Bro. Edmund Conrad Paradis, FMS and Mo. Josefina Burgos, Prioress-General of the OP Sisters, made a contract to build a library and administration building using permanent materials. The cost will be shared 50-50 and to be built on the boundary of two properties. This will become the first cement hollow block building in the campus. The Dominican Sisters of Siena (OP) took over the care of the girls from the RVM Sisters, which became the ND of Marbel Girl’s. Department The Marist Brothers continued to take care of the boys and known as the ND of Marbel Boys’ Department.
  • 1954 The Brothers residence that is made of cement hollow blocks was completed and blest by Fr. Marcy, SJ, during the annual retreat of the Brothers.
  • 1955 Opening of the college department with course offerings in Education, Liberal Arts, Pre-Law, Pre-Nursing, Commerce and Secretarial. Br. Herbert Dumont, FMS, was its founder and first dean. The school now assumed the name Notre Dame of Marbel College – a co-educational except in high school department.
  • 1957 The 1st graduation exercises of Notre Dame of Marbel College was done with 89 graduates: 78 CSS, 8 AA general, and 3 AA Pre-Law. Actually 56 CSS had already graduated in May 15, 1956.
  • 1962-1964 Opening of the Elementary department for boys with Br. Regis Xavier Creegan, FMS, as its 1st Principal. The enrollees were from the Girl’s Elementary 1st to 4th grades. The Sisters retained the 5th and 6th grades. The agreement was to phase out the girls as they graduate and to retain/enroll only boys in the future.
  • In 1964, the 1st elementary graduation has undergone under the care of the Marist Brothers with 26 boys & 15 girls graduated. These pupils started their schooling with the OP Sisters.
  • 1965 Completion of the two-storey concrete college building, now known as SLR Hall, which houses the library, laboratories and classrooms.
  • 1966-1967 The 1st time the title “President” was used to designate the head of NDMC. Brother Norman J. Roy, FMS, was conferred with such title for two consecutive years.
  • 1967 NDMC was chosen as one of the center colleges of NDEA to start the faculty development program to train teachers of both public and private in various subject areas.
  • 1967 Opening of the Graduate School of Education with offerings in Master of Arts in Education, major in Educational Administration. It started with 44 students; Br. Joseph Damian Teston, FMS, was its founder and 1st dean.
  • 1968 1st PAASCU accreditation of the three programs: Education, Commerce, Liberal Arts
  • 1969 1st graduation exercise of the Graduate School with one candidate: Ms. Mercedes Amoroso, MA in Educational Administration.
  • 1970 Opening of Master of Arts in
    • Teaching Mathematics,
    • Teaching Biology,
    • Teaching Physics,
    • Teaching Chemistry, and
    • Teaching Natural Science. NDMC accepted the responsibility to be the Regional Science Teaching Center (RSTC). The annex building for the RSTC offices was constructed.
  • 1973 Opening of the Mindanao Institute for Development of School Administrators (MIDSA), a 3-year scholarship grant from the Asia Foundation and the Filipinas Foundation for MA program for 31 high school administrators coming from Agusan del Norte, Agusan del Sur, Davao City, South Cotabato, Sultan Kudarat, Maguindanao, North Cotabato, and Lanao del Sur. Opening of the apprenticeship program for the training of out-of-school youth, funded by Asia Foundation (MTTP).
  • 1975 Launching of EAMA, a twenty-one month masters program for 27 participants from different ethnic groups from different provinces of Mindanao.
  • 1976 Started the construction of the NDMC gymnasium by MCDC. In the later part of 1976, NDMC became one of the two NDEA Regional Development Centers (RSDC). It trained teachers in Communication Arts and assisted in the textbook project of the Education Program Implementing Task Force (EDPITAF).
  • 1978 NDMC was chosen as one of the six Notre Dame colleges in the South Cotabato region to pilot-test the Circuit Rider Program (CRP), an on-site upgrading of teachers competence through the mobile teams of local subject experts in communication arts, science and mathematics. It also starts the Para-Teachers Program, an innovative program for the elementary school teachers in the cultural community areas of Maguindanao, Sultan Kudarat, and South Cotabato and the resurvey of the colleges of Commerce, Education, and Liberal Arts for PAASCU accreditation.
  • 1980 1st Kindergarten graduation with 72 boys graduating.
  • 1981 Development of 15-hectare Demonstration Farm in Barangay Paraiso, Koronadal, for training, field demonstration, and practicum of the students enrolled in agriculture. It is also a dispersal center for goats to local farmers.
  • 1982 Start of the Dairy Goat Dispersal project at the Demo farm with an initial grant from OXFAM (England).
  • 1983 Construction of a 3-storey, 14 classroom college building to accommodate the growing population of the college. It was intended to house the engineering classes & lab.
  • 1984 PAASCU resurvey of the colleges of Commerce, Liberal Arts, and Education for re-accreditation.
  • 1986 Expansion of the NDMC demo farm to 35 hectares to meet the growing needs of agriculture students and the extension programs of the college.
  • 1987 NDMC became the sister school of Notre Dame College of Shepparton, Australia. Two groups led by Br. Columbanus Pratt, FMS came to visit school.
  • 1988 Hosting of NDEA Silver Jubilee Athletic Competitions. Start of the construction of the science-building complex with grant from the USAID-ASHA of the United States through the FMS Esopus Province sponsorship.
  • 1989 Teston Hall, part of the Science Complex, which accommodated the Physics Lab, Computer Lab, Mathematics Lab, and Champagnat Hall, was ready for occupancy.
  • 1990 Purchase of a 3.5-hectare land as a site for the Elementary and HS departments in Barrio Two and a 3-storey building was completed nine months later.
  • 1991 Completion of the 1-storey, two-classroom building in the Demo Farm, Barangay Paraiso Koronadal City.
  • 1992-1993 In 1992, NDMC was granted a university status and given the name Notre Dame of Marbel University. Br. Eugene Pius Tajo, FMS became the 1st University President. The blessing and formal turnover of the Science Complex building to NDMU by Compex Construction was also done during this year.
  • In 1993, the turnover of the administration of the university to the lay with Dr. Leonor P. Pagunsan as the 1st lady President.
  • In 1994, start of the construction of the new Elementary school building in Barrio 2, Koronadal, South Cotabato.
  • In 1996, the blessing and turnover of the new Elementary school building to NDMU administration.
  • And in 1999, Bro. Crispin Betita, FMS took over the reign of government of the university from Dr. Leonor P. Pagunsan, who completed her six-year term as president.
  • 2001 CHED grants full autonomy to ND Marbel University, one among the 30 schools throughout the country and one among the four in Mindanao.

[edit] Presidents

2006 - present Bro. Wilfredo E. Lubrico, FMS
1999 - 2006 Bro. Crispin P. Betita, FMS
1993 - 1999 Dr. Leonor P. Pagunsan
1989 - 1993 Bro. Eugene Pius Tajo, FMS
1985 - 1989 Bro. Manuel P. Uluan, FMS
1980 - 1985 Bro. Wenceslao Calimpon, FMS
1976 - 1980 Bro. Renato Cruz, FMS
1973 - 1976 Bro. Agustin Cabrera, FMS
1970 - 1973 Bro. Paul Johannes Meuten, FMS
1966 - 1970 Bro. Damian Teston, FMS
1961 - 1966 Bro. Henry Joseph Ruiz, FMS
1958 - 1961 Bro. Herbert Daniel Dumont, FMS
1957 - 1958 Bro. Joseph Damian Teston, FMS
1952 - 1957 Bro. Herbert Daniel Dumont, FMS
