Notorious (novel)

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First edition cover
Author Cecily von Ziegesar
Country United States
Language English
Series The It Girl
Genre(s) Young adult novel
Publisher Little, Brown
Publication date 2006
Media type Print (Paperback) & AudioBook (MP3 CD)
Pages 288 pp
ISBN ISBN 978-0316011860
Preceded by The It Girl
Followed by Reckless

Notorious is the second book in The It Girl novels created by Cecily von Ziegesar. The series is ghostwritten off of the original idea by von Ziegesar. The series, aimed toward young adults, is a spin-off from the bestselling Gossip Girl series. It was released in 2006 by Little, Brown.

[edit] Plot summary

Surprise! After a long summer, Tinsley Carmichael has returned to Waverly Academy to regain her place as the "It Girl". She struts onto the campus, expecting everyone to worship her, but instead, finds a curly-haired brunette with gigantic boobs in her old bed. Jenny introduces herself and Tinsley immediately dislikes her. Despite her hopes, she no longer has her two best friends. When they lay eyes on Tinsley again, things between them are awkward, to say the least, and Tinsley starts thinking that she's going to whip things back in order.

Tinsley hears tons of rumors about Brett and the infamous new teacher Eric Dalton, and decides to meet him. When she does, she decides to snatch him away from Brett and does so immediately. She also starts a new "club", called Cafe Society, of which Brett and Jenny are, at first, a part of. Tinsley soon kicks Jenny out because of rumors of her and Easy, which Jenny denies, but Tinsley then confirms when she sees them sneaking around together and giving each other loving glances. She also kicks out Brett, because she believes she is a traitor in siding with Jenny, and also to rub her power into Brett's face.

Bliss with Easy Walsh, or friendship with the fabulous Callie Vernon and Tinsley Carmichael? That is the question for Jenny Humphrey. In her confusion, she kisses the hot pizza delivery boy, Angelo, at a Cafe Society meeting to fit in with the popular girl members. Finally, she chooses bliss and gets Callie's hatred in return. But is it worth it? Early in the relationship Easy hears rumors about Jenny's infidelity. It looks like it's over before it even really got started.

Callie Vernon is still having problems with her now dead relationship with Easy Walsh. She suspects Jenny has feelings for him as well, and may be trying to steal him. This causes a major strain on her newly formed, tentative friendship with Jenny. Callie easily picks up her old friendship with Tinsley after a few awkward days and a couple of much needed explanations. After Easy breaks up with Callie and Jenny starts going out with Easy, she and Tinsley try to take both Easy and Jenny down.

Brett Messerschmidt gains a new best friend in Jenny, as well as a new enemy in her old friend Tinsley. She gets heartbroken when Eric breaks up with her, and becomes furious when she finds out it was for Tinsley. With Easy, she takes Dalton down by getting him fired for accounts of drug possession. Eventually, she gets back with Jeremiah, the hot football player from St. Lucius, after Jenny leaves a message on his phone about how much Brett is in love with him still.

Easy Walsh is getting more and more confused. Breaking up with Callie will be hard, especially because of their history, but getting together with Jenny seems like the right thing to do. He eventually chooses Jenny. Before their new relationship can really even get started, he finds out she kissed another guy!! It looks like it's over between them, until Jenny, in her message for Jeremiah, confesses her love for Easy at the same time. Jeremiah plays it for him when they are at a Cafe Society overnight trip in Boston, and both of them leave immediately for their girls back home at Waverly.

Brandon Buchanon is excited when he hears Easy has broken up with Callie. This could be his big chance! He is sadly mistaken, however. Callie doesn't want to be with him, even if she (drunkenly) kissed him good night on the way to her dorm. He drags along to the Boston trip to keep an eye on her and she loudly and drunkenly tells him off in front of everyone.

And what about the perpetually horny Heath Ferro? Still perpetually horny. He actually gets caught with Tinsley and Callie, the three almost naked, on the balcony of their Boston hotel room by the dean of Waverly, who is in the next room over with his equally married coworker. An awkward conversation ensues, in which the dean tells the three to get back to Waverly in two hours or else.

When Callie and Tinsley arrive late, thanks to Callie's hungover vomiting attack, Dean Marymount decides to split up the girls of Dumbarton 303, moving Tinsley and her ex-best friend Brett downstairs and keeping Callie and her most hated enemy Jenny in their current room. Disaster is certain!