Nosotros Somos Dios

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'Nosotros Somos Dios' is a play by Mexican playwright Wilberto Cantón. Published in 1962 and written in Spanish, it portrays the troubles of the Alvarez family during the turbulent time of the Mexican Revolution of 1910.

Nosotros somos Dios is known in the United States as a play often read by students of Spanish. The play was specially published in a United States edition designed specifically for students, with an introduction in English and an appendix of Spanish exercices.

[edit] References

Cantón, Wilberto (1962). Nosotros somos Dios: Pieza en dos actos. Ed. S. Samuel Trifilo and Luis Soto-Ruiz. Harper & Row, New York. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 66-11272