Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion

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The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion (Norwegian: Arbeids- og inkluderingsdepartementet) is a Norwegian ministry established in 1916. It is resonsible for the labour market, the working environment, pensions, welfare, social security, integration, immigration, asylum, minorities and the Sami.[1] Since 2005 the department has been led by Bjarne Håkon Hanssen (Labour Party).


[edit] Political staff

  • Minister Bjarne Håkon Hanssen (Labour Party)[2]
  • State Secretary Jan-Erik Støstad (Labour Party) (labour and pensions)
  • State Secretary Libe Rieber-Mohn (Labour Party) (integration, immigration and diversity)
  • State Secretary Laila Gustavsen (Labour Party) (welfare policy)
  • State Secretary Raimo Valle (Labour Party) (Sami and minority)
  • Political Adviser Hadia Tajik (Labour Party)
  • Political Adviser Ketil Lindseth (Labour Party)[3]

[edit] Subsidiaries

[edit] Agencies

  • International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry, or Internasjonalt fag- og formidlingssenter for reindrift (official site) Research.
  • Labour Court of Norway, or Arbeidsretten (official site) Court that takes under consideration disputes about validity, interpretation and existence of collective agreements, questions regarding breach of collective agreements, questions regarding breach of the peace obligation, and claims for damages resulting from such breaches.
  • Directorate of Integration and Diversity, or Integrerings- og mangfoldhetsdirektoratet (official site) Authority concerning integration of foreigners.
  • National Centre for Documentation on Disability, or Nasjonal dokumentasjonssenter for personer med nedsatt funksjonsevne (official site) Research.
  • National Institute of Occupational Health, or Statens arbeidsmiljøinstitutt (official site) Research.
  • Norway´s Contact Committee for Immigrants and the Authorities, or Kontaktutvalget mellom innvandrerbefolkningen og myndighetene (official site) Dialog between immigrants and authorities.
  • Norwegian Directorate for Health and Social Affairs, or Sosial- og helsedirektoratet (official site) Competence centre for the management of healthcare and social affairs.
  • Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, or Utlendingsdirektoratet (official site) Immigration permits and authority.
  • Norwegian Directorate of Labour and Welfare, or Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet (official site) Manages the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service.
  • Norwegian Immigration Appeals Board, or Utlendingsnemda (official site) Appeal board for the Directorate of Immigration.
  • Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service, or Arbeids- og velferdsetaten (official site) Administrating age- and diability pensions and other welfare, and manages unemployment.
  • Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority, or Arbeidstilsynet (official site) Authority aimed at occupational health and safety.
  • Norwegian Pension Insurance for Seamen, or Pensjonstrygden for sjømenn (official site) Administrates the seamen's pension.
  • Petroleum Safety Authority Norway, or Petroleumstilsynet (official site) Insures occupational safety and health in the petroleum industry.
  • Resource Centre for the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, or Kompetansesenter for urfolks rettigheter (official site) Research.
  • Resource Centre for Nature and Reindeer Husbandry Services, or Ressurssenter for natur og reindriftstjenester Research.
  • Riksmeklingsmannen (official site) Negotiates wage and traffic disputues between employer and labour unions.
  • Sámediggi, or Sametinget (official site) Sami parliament.

[edit] Limited companies

[edit] See also

  • List of Norwegian Ministers of Labour and Social Inclusion

[edit] References

  1. ^ Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion. About the Ministry. Retrieved on 2008-04-26.
  2. ^ Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion. Minister of labour and social inclusion Bjarne Håkon Hanssen. Retrieved on 2008-04-26.
  3. ^ Norwegian Ministry of Labour and Social Inclusion. Other political staff. Retrieved on 2008-04-26.

[edit] External links