Norwegian Kven organization
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The Norwegian Kven Organization (Ruijan Kveeniliitto in Kven language and Norske Kveners Forbund in Norwegian) was established in 1987, and has currently about 700 member.[1]. The organization has local branches in: Skibotn, Børselv, Nord-Varanger, Tana, Lakselv, Alta, northern Troms, Tromsø, and Østlandet.
The tasks of the organization include working for a government report about the history and rights of the Kven people, improving the media coverage of Kven issues, and for the Norwegian government to establish a secretary (statssekretær) for Kven issues. In addition, reading and writing classes at the beginner to advanced level, establishing a Kven kindergarten, and to incorporate the Kven language in all education levels in Norway. Also, to establish a Kven culture fund, road and other signs in Kven, Kven names in official maps, and museums and centers for Kven language and culture.