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[[Image:Ronashillcairn.jpg|right|thumb|300px|The chambered cairn on Ronas Hill

The Northmavine is a peninsula and parish in North Mainland, Shetland. It is in the north west of the island, and contains the villages of Hillswick and Ollaberry, the peninsula comprehends the northernmost part of Mainland, and the parish comprehends a number of adjacent islands, and measures sixteen miles by eight.

An isthmus, Mavis Grind, about a hundred yards across, forms the sole connection with the rest of Mainland.

The coast is indented by numerous bays; consists largely of high preciptous rocks; presents to the west a series of lofty, fissured, cavernous cliffs, is flanked at brief distance by many skerries, bold islets, and lofty insulated rocks, and exhibits a great diversity and force of Romantic scenery.

The interior comprises a very small aggregate of arable land; consists mostly of rough, rising grounds, and bleak hiolls, and culminates on Ronas Hill, the highest point in all Shetland.

Remains of ancient watch houses and remains of barrows and forts are numerous.

[edit] References

This article incorporates text from - Wilson, Rev. John The Gazetteer of Scotland (Edinburgh, 1882) Published by W. & A.K. Johnstone