Northland Pioneer College
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Northland Pioneer College (NPC) is a regionally accredited, publicly supported, comprehensive community college serving a large and diverse area in Navajo County, Arizona. NPC also partners with community members in Apache County, Arizona.
The College offers over 8,000 courses college-wide during fall and spring semesters, approximately 2,000 courses during summer sessions, and distance education courses via the World Wide Web throughout the year. Its mission is "Northland Pioneer College creates, supports and promotes lifelong learning."
On May 16, 2007, Dr. Jeanne Swarthout became the seventh president of Northland Pioneer College since its establishment in 1972. NPC serves an area of approximately 21,158 square miles and the Navajo, Hopi and White Mountain Apache Indian Reservations occupy more than forty percent of the total land in the college service area. NPC has an open admissions policy. High-school age students 14 and above may enroll in NPC classes.