North American cable television frequencies
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[edit] North America cable television broadcast band
(NTSC-based analog television)
NOTE: Frequencies given are for luminance carriers. For channel center frequencies, add 1.75 MHz.
Channel | Video Carrier (MHz) | Audio Carrier(MHz) | |
Subband CATV "T" Channels | |||
T-7 | 7.00 | ||
T-8 | 13.00 | ||
T-9 | 19.00 | ||
T-10 | 25.00 | ||
T-11 | 31.00 | ||
T-12 | 37.00 | ||
T-13 | 43.00 | ||
T-14 | 49.00 | ||
Lowband | |||
2 | 55.25 | 59.75 | |
3 | 61.25 | 65.75 | |
4 | 67.25 | 71.75 | |
1 | 73.25 (A-8) | 77.75 (A-8) | |
5 | 77.25 or 79.25 (A-7) | 81.75 or 83.75 (A-7) | |
6 | 83.25 or 85.25 (A-6) | 87.75 or 89.75 (A-6) | |
Midband | |||
95 | 91.25 (A-5) | 95.75 | |
96 | 97.25 (A-4) | 101.75 | |
97 | 103.25 (A-3) | 107.75 | |
98 | 109.25 (A-2) | 113.75 | |
99 | 115.25 (A-1) | 119.75 | |
Midband | |||
14 | 121.25 | 125.75 | |
15 | 127.25 | 131.75 | |
16 | 133.25 | 137.75 | |
17 | 139.25 | 143.75 | |
18 | 145.25 | 149.75 | |
19 | 151.25 | 155.75 | |
20 | 157.25 | 161.75 | |
21 | 163.25 | 167.75 | |
22 | 169.25 | 173.75 | |
Highband | |||
7 | 175.25 | 179.75 | |
8 | 181.25 | 185.75 | |
9 | 187.25 | 191.75 | |
10 | 193.25 | 197.75 | |
11 | 199.25 | 203.75 | |
12 | 205.25 | 209.75 | |
13 | 211.25 | 215.75 | |
Superband | |||
23 | 217.25 | 221.75 | |
24 | 223.25 | 227.75 | |
25 | 229.25 | 233.75 | |
26 | 235.25 | 239.75 | |
27 | 241.25 | 245.75 | |
28 | 247.25 | 251.75 | |
29 | 253.25 | 257.75 | |
30 | 259.25 | 263.75 | |
31 | 265.25 | 269.75 | |
32 | 271.25 | 275.75 | |
33 | 277.25 | 281.75 | |
34 | 283.25 | 287.75 | |
35 | 289.25 | 293.75 | |
36 | 295.25 | 299.75 | |
Hyperband | |||
37 | 301.25 | 305.75 | |
38 | 307.25 | 311.75 | |
39 | 313.25 | 317.75 | |
40 | 319.25 | 323.75 | |
41 | 325.25 | 329.75 | |
42 | 331.25 | 335.75 | |
43 | 337.25 | 341.75 | |
44 | 343.25 | 347.75 | |
45 | 349.25 | 353.75 | |
46 | 355.25 | 359.75 | |
47 | 361.25 | 365.75 | |
48 | 367.25 | 371.75 | |
49 | 373.25 | 377.75 | |
50 | 379.25 | 383.75 | |
51 | 385.25 | 389.75 | |
52 | 391.25 | 395.75 | |
53 | 397.25 | 401.75 | |
54 | 403.25 | 407.75 | |
55 | 409.25 | 413.75 | |
56 | 415.25 | 419.75 | |
57 | 421.25 | 425.75 | |
58 | 427.25 | 431.75 | |
59 | 433.25 | 437.75 | |
60 | 439.25 | 443.75 | |
61 | 445.25 | 449.75 | |
62 | 451.25 | 455.75 | |
63 | 457.25 | 461.75 | |
64 | 463.25 | 467.75 | |
Ultraband | |||
65 | 469.25 | 473.75 | |
66 | 475.25 | 479.75 | |
67 | 481.25 | 485.75 | |
68 | 487.25 | 491.75 | |
69 | 493.25 | 497.75 | |
70 | 499.25 | 503.75 | |
71 | 505.25 | 509.75 | |
72 | 511.25 | 515.75 | |
73 | 517.25 | 521.75 | |
74 | 523.25 | 527.75 | |
75 | 529.25 | 533.75 | |
76 | 535.25 | 539.75 | |
77 | 541.25 | 545.75 | |
78 | 547.25 | 551.75 | |
79 | 553.25 | 557.75 | |
80 | 559.25 | 563.75 | |
81 | 565.25 | 569.75 | |
82 | 571.25 | 575.75 | |
83 | 577.25 | 581.75 | |
84 | 583.25 | 587.75 | |
85 | 589.25 | 593.75 | |
86 | 595.25 | 599.75 | |
87 | 601.25 | 605.75 | |
88 | 607.25 | 611.75 | |
89 | 613.25 | 617.75 | |
90 | 619.25 | 623.75 | |
91 | 625.25 | 629.75 | |
92 | 631.25 | 635.75 | |
93 | 637.25 | 641.75 | |
94 | 643.25 | 647.75 | |
Jumboband | |||
100 | 649.25 | 653.75 | |
101 | 655.25 | 659.75 | |
102 | 661.25 | 665.75 | |
103 | 667.25 | 671.75 | |
104 | 673.25 | 677.75 | |
105 | 679.25 | 683.75 | |
106 | 685.25 | 689.75 | |
107 | 691.25 | 695.75 | |
108 | 697.25 | 701.75 | |
109 | 703.25 | 707.75 | |
110 | 709.25 | 713.75 | |
111 | 715.25 | 719.75 | |
112 | 721.25 | 725.75 | |
113 | 727.25 | 731.75 | |
114 | 733.25 | 737.75 | |
115 | 739.25 | 743.75 | |
116 | 745.25 | 749.75 | |
117 | 751.25 | 755.75 | |
118 | 757.25 | 761.75 | |
119 | 763.25 | 767.75 | |
120 | 769.25 | 773.75 | |
121 | 775.25 | 779.75 | |
122 | 781.25 | 785.75 | |
123 | 787.25 | 791.75 | |
124 | 793.25 | 797.75 | |
125 | 799.25 | 803.75 | |
126 | 805.25 | 809.75 | |
127 | 811.25 | 815.75 | |
128 | 817.25 | 821.75 | |
129 | 823.25 | 827.75 | |
130 | 829.25 | 833.75 | |
131 | 835.25 | 839.75 | |
132 | 841.25 | 845.75 | |
133 | 847.25 | 851.75 | |
134 | 853.25 | 857.75 | |
135 | 859.25 | 863.75 | |
136 | 865.25 | 869.75 | |
137 | 871.25 | 875.75 | |
138 | 877.25 | 881.75 | |
139 | 883.25 | 887.75 | |
140 | 889.25 | 893.75 | |
141 | 895.25 | 899.75 | |
142 | 901.25 | 905.75 | |
143 | 907.25 | 911.75 | |
144 | 913.25 | 917.75 | |
145 | 919.25 | 923.75 | |
146 | 925.25 | 929.75 | |
147 | 931.25 | 935.75 | |
148 | 937.25 | 941.75 | |
149 | 943.25 | 947.75 | |
150 | 949.25 | 953.75 | |
151 | 955.25 | 959.75 | |
152 | 961.25 | 965.75 | |
153 | 967.25 | 971.75 | |
154 | 973.25 | 977.75 | |
155 | 979.25 | 983.75 | |
156 | 985.25 | 989.75 | |
157 | 991.25 | 995.75 | |
158 | 997.25 | 1001.75 |
- Channels T-7 through T-14 are sub-band channels and are not used for normal television channel distribution. These channels are used for sending video back to the cable television headend, such as by public-access television stations on a cable tv system. They are also used by cable modems for sending upstream data to the headend's CMTS.
- Cable channels 2 through 13 operate on the same frequencies as broadcast television (the VHF band). They were assigned by the FCC pursuant to NTSC. The other channels were assigned by cable television operators.
- Cable channels 65 through 94 and 100 through 125 operate on the same frequencies as broadcast television (the UHF band)
- Cable channels 95 through 97 operate on the same frequencies as FM radio, so cable companies offering FM radio will not show TV programming on these channels.
- Digital cable channels are often numbered starting at 100 or 200, but these are virtual channel numbers and do not correspond to used frequencies.
[edit] External links
- ARRL - TV Channel, CATV and FM Broadcast Frequencies by Kevin K. Custer (W3KKC)