Nomi Sunrider

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Star Wars character
Nomi Sunrider

Portrayed by Glynnis Talken-Campbell (voice)

Position Jedi Knight, Jedi General, Jedi Master
Homeworld Unknown
Species Human
Gender Female
Affiliation Jedi Order, Galactic Republic

Nomi Sunrider is a fictional character in the Star Wars universe. She was a Jedi Knight from the early days of the Old Republic, about 4,000 years prior to timeline of the films.


[edit] History

Sunrider is first introduced in Tales of the Jedi: Knights of the Old Republic. She is widowed when her husband, Andur, was murdered by minions of Bogga the Hutt on a trip to deliver precious Adegan crystals (used in making lightsabers). Guided by his spirit, she then used his lightsaber to kill his attackers and to defend her and Andur's child. Nomi was devastated by his death. She took the gems to her husband's Jedi Master, Master Thon of Ambria. Thon decided to train her, and Nomi became a great Jedi.

Although she had vowed never to take up a lightsaber after her husband's death, she retrained herself in its use in Tales of the Jedi: The Freedon Nadd Uprising. She was trained by Master Thon and fell in love with Ulic Qel-Droma while accompanying him during several adventures. Nomi became concerned with Ulic's plan to infiltrate the dark side, in order to seek revenge for his master, Arca Jeth, who had been killed during an attack of Krath battle droids during a meeting of the Jedi Council. Before he left for Cinnagar as a smuggler, the two kissed for what would be the last time.

In Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith, Nomi, Ulic's brother, Cay and Tott Doneeta went to Cinnagar to contact Ulic. Before arriving, however, Ulic was poisoned with Sith chemicals by Satal Keto, who was suspicious of the Jedi's newfound loyalty to Aleema. Ulic ordered Nomi to be captured, in order to tell her what he thought would be secret, that he planned to continue being a double agent. Satal caught this communication and ordered her and Ulic to death.

Nomi escaped from prison, with help from Cay and Tott. Ulic, blinded by his hatred and need to avenge his master's death, would not leave. After Nomi found out that Ulic was apprenticed to Exar Kun during the Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War, she arranged matters so that she was part of the expedition of Jedi that was ordered to bring Ulic to stand trial before the Galactic Senate for his crimes. Nomi and Cay tried to bring Ulic back to the light side, but failed. In a heated duel on Ossus, Ulic killed Cay; in her horror, Nomi used an old Force power to cut Ulic off from the Force completely. The dark side's hold on Ulic finally broken, he betrayed the Sith and helped the Jedi win the war.

In Tales of the Jedi: Redemption, Nomi began a career in politics as a councilor as well as a leader and representative among the Jedi on Coruscant. A fierce warrior who treated lightsabers with fear and respect, she became one of the greatest Jedi Masters in history.

Nomi's daughter, Vima, ran away to find Ulic after clashing with her mother, who, due to her busy career, did not spend much time training her. At first, Ulic refused Vima's plea to train her, for she was a constant reminder of Nomi. After being trapped together in a blizzard, Vima told Ulic that she believed that Ulic was still the Jedi and the man Nomi loved. He then reluctantly agreed to teach her, despite being cut off from the Force. At the end of her training, she was a great Jedi, while he had learned to appreciate life once more.

Meanwhile, after realizing her daughter was gone, Nomi found her on Rhen Var. After discovering a statue of Arca Jeth and her husband, Andur Sunrider, she realized that Ulic had finally found peace. After this, Ulic was shot in the back by a pilot, Hoggan (who hoped to become a hero for killing one of the Sith), and died cradled in Nomi's arms. He asked Nomi for forgiveness, to which she replied that she had already forgiven him. He gave Vima a ring-necklace that shone with light in the darkness, as his final act before death. When Ulic's body vanished, Nomi declared that though he was cut off from the Force, Ulic had finally become a Jedi Master.

After Ulic's death, Nomi resolved to spend more time with her daughter, training her.

Nomi's descendant, Vima Da Boda, is a supporting character in the Dark Empire series.

[edit] Trivia

  • Vima Sunrider was originally planned to be one of the main characters in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Later, the developers scratched that idea and created a new character, whose name was borrowed from the Cathar Jedi: Bastila Shan. The Cathar Jedi was then given a new name, Juhani.

[edit] References

[edit] External links