Nissa La Bella

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"Nissa la Bella" (Nice the Beautiful) is the unofficial anthem of the city of Nice, France. It was written by Menica Rondelly in 1912.


[edit] Niçard

Nissa la Bella
Viva, viva, Nissa la Bella
O la miéu bella Nissa
Regina de li flou
Li tiéu viehi taulissa
Iéu canterai toujou.
Canterai li mountagna
Lu tiéu tant ric decor
Li tiéu verdi campagna
Lou tiéu gran soulèu d'or
Toujou iéu canterai
Souta li tiéu tounella
La tiéu mar d’azur
Lou tiéu cièl pur
E toujou griderai
en la miéu ritournella
Viva, viva, Nissa la Bella
Canti la capelina
La rosa e lou lilà
Lou Pouòrt e la Marina
Paioun, Mascouinà !
Canti la soufieta
Doun naisson li cansoun
Lou fus, la coulougneta,
La miéu bella Nanoun.
Canti li nouòstri gloria
L’antic e bèu calèn
Dòu dounjoun li vitoria
L’oudou dòu tiéu printemp !
Canti lou vielh Sincaire
Lou tiéu blanc drapèu
Pi lou brès de ma maire
Dòu mounde lou plus bèu

[edit] French

Nice la Belle
Vive, vive, Nice la Belle
O ma belle Nice
Reine des fleurs
Tes vieilles toitures
Je les chanterai toujours.
Je chanterai les montagnes
Ton si riche décor
Tes vertes campagnes
Ton grand soleil d’or
Toujours je chanterai
Sous tes tonnelles
Ta mer d’azur
Ton ciel pur
Et toujours je crierai
Dans ma ritournelle
Vive, vive Nice la Belle
Je chante la capeline
La rose et le lilas
Le Port et la Marine
Paillon, Mascoïnat !
Je chante la mansarde
Où naissent les chansons
Le fuseau, la quenouille
Ma belle Nanon.
Je chante nos gloires
L’antique et belle lampe romaine
Les victoires du donjon
L'odeur de ton printemps !
Je chante le vieux Sincaire
Ton blanc drapeau
Puis le berceau de ma mère
Du monde le plus beau

[edit] Rough English Translation

Nice the Fair
Viva, viva, Nice the Fair
O my beautiful Nice
Queen of all the flowers
Of your old rooftops
Will I always sing.
Sing of the mountains
The landscape so fine (literally, rich scenery)
Your green countryside
Your golden sunshine (literally, large golden sun)
Alway will I sing
Underneath your arbours
Your sea of azure
and your skies pure
And always I'll proclaim
In my refrain,
Viva, viva, Nice the Fair
Sing of the capelina
the rose and the lilac
the Port and the Marina
Paillon, Mascoïnat!
A capelina is a large sun hat
The Paillon is a river in Nice, Mascoinat the name of a district in the old town.
Sing of the garret,
Where the songs are born,
The distaff and the spindle,
My beautiful Nanon.
'soufieta' is a specifically Nicoise attic; the French version has a Mansard here, which captures the idea with a different kind of attic again; hence 'garret' rather than 'attic'
Sing of our glories,
The antique Roman lantern,
The victories of the castle,
The scent of spring's return!
A 'calen' is a kind of oil lantern.
Sing of the old Sincaire
Your white flag unfurled
And the cradle of my mother
Of the most beautiful world.
Sincaire is again the name of a street in the old town, meaning "five cairn" (or rock).

[edit] External links

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