User talk:NicDumZ

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[edit] Collateral efects of es:usuario:DumZiBoT

Please,stop the bot. For example: here the title is incorrect, your bot put Sitio no disponible en este momento. Intente más tarde ja ja. Other bad titles: es:Mozilla Firefox‎ ver aquí title very long:

Totalidea Software: Tweak Windows Vista - Windows Vista Tweaks - Vista Tweaks - TweakVI - Tweak-VI - Tweak-Vista - TweakVista - TweakXP - Tweak-XP - Tweak XP - Registry - Regedit - Windows Tuning - Windows XP - Windows Vista - Tweaking - Optimize - T...

In es:Machu Pichu, ver aquí, a ,put title, in this case not is convenient, is preferible

I think that can exist other cases , saludos es:usuario:Shooke , Shooke (talk) 18:21, 31 May 2008 (UTC)

I have to support the second point. It should also be able to identity that Nacionalista Party .com is same as (the domain). Suggested code is
if re.sub(r'[^A-Za-z\.\-]', r'', ref.title.lower()) in domain.match(link+redir).group():
    # Should improve url and redirect matching
    repl = ref.refLink()
    new_text = new_text.replace(, repl)
    wikipedia.output(u'\03{lightred}WARNING\03{default} %s : Title is URL component (%s)' % (, ref.title))

Dispenser 00:43, 2 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Your bot

Absolutely wonderful idea! A small improvement I'd suggest, though: I've read in your talk page archive that you don't want to use citation templates in general, and I understand your reasons for this. However, if an article already uses citation templates in some or most of its references, wouldn't it be more sensible to have your bot convert bare references to a simple citation template reference instead of the non-template format? —Nightstallion 11:34, 1 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Bot

Hey, can you run your bot through Roy Hibbert again? Thanks! Bash Kash (talk) 21:37, 1 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Zimbabwean dollar

Howdy! Please could you fix Zimbabwean dollar plz? (talk) 01:00, 5 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] bug

# Is there an existing section where we can add the references tag?
for section in wikipedia.translate(, referencesSections):
    sectionR = re.compile(r'\r\n=+ *%s *=+\r\n' % section)
[ ... ]
# Create a new section for the references tag
for section in wikipedia.translate(, placeBeforeSections):
    # Find out where to place the new section
    sectionR = re.compile(r'\r\n(?P<ident>=+) *%s *=+\r\n' % section)

It should be

   sectionR = re.compile(r'\r\n=+ *%s *=+ *\r\n' % section)


   sectionR = re.compile(r'\r\n(?P<ident>=+) *%s *(?P=ident) *\r\n' % section)

since headers can trailing white space on the end. This might explain some of the weird things I've seen the script do.

Following up on the previous discussion I've tried to reduce the confusion in the documentation about the two scripts being the same. The official release of is running under the reflinks-svn and is almost identical to the svn version. The sources for the online tools are available at I've also integrated the script with link checker.

I would like to eventually merge the scripts in the future. Could there be an iterator function for generating links? I would like to match unlabeled bullet links or give people the option of converting to citation templates. The method that options are passed to the internals is "bulky" if 10 or more options are defined. Additionally, would it be possible with {{dead link}} to include the date parameter, I use non-language portable time.strftime("{{dead link|date=%B %Y}}") in the web script. I'm working out a way to fill in citation templates.

A passing thought would the pywikipedia community object to AWB like general fixes? — Dispenser 00:53, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

Sorry, sorry, sorry.
I'm very busy these days.
The regex change was a 10 second fix, I committed it on Sunday in r5541, but I sort of run out of time for longer concerns :/
Thanks for your involvement Dispenser, I *will* take a deeper look at your suggestions, but I just can't do it now.
NicDumZ ~ 20:53, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Inadvertent advertising

The HTML title from webpages belonging to magazines, which might be perfectly appropriate links in articles, can make highly inappropriate references, because they are used to give promotional messages about the magazine. For example, there are few more comprehensive and well updated sources in English for following competitive cycling than Cycling Weekly, and so it was a good source for somebody to use to show that two teams had been offered a late entry into the 2008 Giro d'Italia, but it is not the place of Wikipedia to declare, as DumZiBoT did, this publication to be "Britain's biggest-selling cycling magazine, delivers an exciting mix of fitness advice, bike tests, product reviews, news and ride guides for every cyclist". Maybe the Bot needs a filter to change its action when it comes across boastful superlatives, or maybe the automatic editnote should more explicitly invite editors to check the suitability of the results. Just a thought. Kevin McE (talk) 11:28, 1 June 2008 (UTC)

Sorry for the archiving, true for the advertising.
An different edit summary would fit, yes, but boastful superlatives are not this easy to detect. In this case, only biggest-selling and exciting are problematic, and I don't think that I can blacklist a title because it contains two superlatives, can I ? Moreover, this check has to be language independent, and... no... it's not this easy :(
NicDumZ ~ 20:58, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Overenthusiastic archiving

Since your last edit on this page, MiszaBot III has moved 10 items onto the archive page, thus leaving some pertinent issues abount this bot apparently unaddressed. This does not seem a very satisfactory response to the comments of other editors. Is it possible to disable the archiving bots trawls of this page while you are not active (only one edit in more than a week). Kevin McE (talk) 14:48, 8 June 2008 (UTC)

Yep, archiving disabled. Thanks for the report :/ NicDumZ ~ 20:44, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] Hola

Cuando pongo Ocultar ediciones de bots en mi lista de seguimiento, siguen apareciendo las de este bot. ¿Qué es lo que está fallando?. Gracias (talk) 03:29, 9 June 2008 (UTC) eswiki

[edit] Bot - a minor point

Hi, and well done on your work with the bot - it a fantastic idea.

Just a tiny thing..

Would it be possible to make the bot not insert a title, when the title is "Untitled" or "Untitled Document"? It won't happen a lot, but if it is easy to do, it's probably worth it.

Don't waste your own time if it'll be a big job. Many thanks, Drum guy (talk) 15:40, 9 June 2008 (UTC)

I believe my bot should ignore these. If, recently, it inserted such a title into an article, please give me a diff of such an edit, so I can track a possible bug. NicDumZ ~ 20:45, 11 June 2008 (UTC)

[edit] HTML in title

The bot made an incorrect edit, adding HTML as a title. Most likely, this was because the HTML was incorrectly nested within the title tag in the original page. However, the bot should know to either ignore such titles, or strip out the HTML. Superm401 - Talk 20:34, 10 June 2008 (UTC)

Yes, I could do that.
However that edit occurred in an other of these times when DumZiBoT was broken.
This lenghty title, containing " the page you requested could not be found." is supposedly blacklisted. I tested it again, and now the page is being ignored.
NicDumZ ~ 20:49, 11 June 2008 (UTC)