Nicrophorus lunatus

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For the species misidentified by LeConte in 1853 and declared a new species under the name Nicrophorus lunatus, but later corrected, see Nicrophorus sayi

For the species misidentified by Gistel in 1857 and declared a new species under the name Nicrophorus lunatus, but later corrected, see Nicrophorus marginatus

Nicrophorus lunatus
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Coleoptera
Family: Silphidae
Subfamily: Nicrophorinae
Tribe: Nicrophorini
Genus: Nicrophorus
Species: N. lunatus
Binomial name
Nicrophorus lunatus
Fischer von Waldheim, 1842

Nicrophorus lunatus is a burying beetle described by Fischer von Waldheim in 1842.

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