Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe

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The Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe (gesamtausgabe means complete edition) is a comprehensive commented collection of works by, about and related to Nicolaus Copernicus, compiled by several mainly German authors over decades, starting in 1973 for his 500th anniversary with the first volume on De revolutionibus.

The Gesamtausgabe documents remaining manuscripts and other sources, and covers also his minor works, like Monetae cudendae ratio, in detail, including transcripts of his notes written in German language.[1]

The volumes are published by Akademie Verlag in Berlin, until 1990 situated in East Germany. Google Books[2] provides a limited online preview, though.

In the 19th century, based in Copernicus' birth town at Toruń (Thorn), Leopold Friedrich Prowe [3] had already compiled a comprehensive biography and other works, using the archives of the places in Prussia where Copernicus had lived. In 1943, for the 400th anniversary of his death, it had been planned to compile a Gesamtausgabe, in 9 volumes, the last two focussing on a new biography. Production of the compendium after volume 2 was published in 1949. Publication resumed in the 1970s, and then gained international momentum in the 1990s after the end of the Cold War allowed access to archives.

[edit] Volumes

[edit] References

  1. ^ Muncze wyrdtt genennett, geczeichennt goldtt, adir Sylber do mit die geldunge der kouffliche adir verkoufflichen dinge, geczahlet werden, ... - Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe, Heribert Maria Nobis et al., [1]
  2. ^ Nicolaus Copernicus Gesamtausgabe, Heribert Maria Nobis et al., [2]
  3. ^ Leopold Friedrich Prowe [3]

[edit] External links
