Nicolas-François Canard

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Nicolas-François Canard, (c.1750 - 1833) was a French mathematician and early contributor to mathematical economics.

His wife was named Elisabeth Groujus. They got a daughter Elisabeth-Félicie Bayle-Mouillard (1796-1865) who became a writer , using the pen name Madame Celnart[1].

Canard worked for most of his life as a simple lycée teacher in Moulins. His main contribution to economics arose as an essay submitted in 1801 to an Institut de France contest. It was an attempt to refute the Physiocratic "single tax" thesis. Contrary to the Physiocrats, Canard posited a labor theory of value, specifically that all wealth arises from the application of "superfluous" labor. He identified three sources of income: income from land, income from industry and income from capital. Echoing Cantillon and drawing an analogy with the circulation of fluids, Canard discussed how these flows need to be balanced to achieve equilibrium and how the forces of individual interest and competition operate to achieve this balance. He discussed how the economy can be viewed as a system of markets and discusses how equilibrium prices are determined by the balance of opposing forces of buyers and sellers.

Canard won the Institut of France contest with his economics essay and subsequently published it in book version. In 1802, he won another Institut contest with an essay on justice. The prestige of these awards conferred upon Canard the blessings of the French academic establishment. Strikingly, for much of the remainder of the 19th Century, French Liberal School hailed Canard as the "last word" on mathematical economics -- and considered the topic closed.

It is partly for this reason that mathematical economists, particularly Augustin Cournot, struggling to draw attention to their work, felt that the shadow of Canard was being used by the academic establishment to dismiss them. Out of bitterness, they did their utmost to vilify Canard and denigrate his achievements. Cournot's bitter evaluation of Canard's Principes put it succinctly:

"These pretended principles are so radically at fault, and the application of them is so erroneous, that the approval of a distinguished body of men was unable to preserve the work from oblivion. It is easy to see why essays of this nature should not incline such economists as Say and Ricardo to algebra." (Cournot, 1838: p.2).

Léon Walras considered the awarding of the Institut prize to Canard a "misfortune" (Walras, 1874: p.44). Joseph Bertrand argued that "Citizen Canard, although a professor of mathematics, is ignorant of or forgets the elements of functional calculus....How did he become a laureate of the Institut? On the recommendation of which commission? I have not had the indiscretion of seeking it out." (Bertrand, 1883: p.499-500). Even a century later, Joseph Schumpeter killed it with faint praise, "[Canard's] book is, however, far from being the worst that was ever written." (Schumpeter, 1954: p.499).

Canard has since been somewhat rehabilitated. It has become generally accepted that Canard's mathematical treatment and conception of the economy anticipated several elements of the general equilibrium system of Léon Walras and the Lausanne School.


[edit] Major Works of Nicolas-François Canard

  • Mémoire sur la question s'il est vraie que, dans un pays agricole, toute espèce d'impôt retombe sur les propriétaires foncies, 1801.
  • Principes d'Économie Politique, Ouvrage couronée par l'Institut National, 1801.
  • Moyens de perfectionner le jury, 1802
  • Traité élémentaire des Équations, 1808
  • Éléments de météorologie ou Explication des cours et des effets de la gelée, de la neige, de la pluie, des vents, des trombs, etc., 1824.
  • Mémoires sur les causes qui produisent la stagnation et la décroissement du commerce en France, 1826.

[edit] Secondary sources

  • Bertrand, Joseph L.F. (1883). "Théorie des Richesses: revue de Théories mathématiques de la richesse sociale par Léon Walras et Recherches sur les principes mathématiques de la théorie des richesses par Augustin Cournot", Journal des Savants
  • Ingrao, Bruna and Giorgio Israel (1987). La mano invisibile. L'equilibrio economico nella storia della scienza, (transl. The Invisible Hand: Economic Equilibrium in the History of Science, 1990).
  • Schumpeter, Joseph A. (1954). History of Economic Analysis, (published posthumously, ed. Elisabeth Boody Schumpeter), 1954.
  • Walras, Léon (1874). Éléments d'économie politique pure, ou théorie de la richesse sociale (Elements of Pure Economics, or the theory of social wealth, transl. W. Jaffé), 1874. (1899, 4th ed.; 1926, rev ed., 1954, Engl. transl.)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Littérature de jeunesse sous l'Ancien régime

[edit] External links
