Nick McCave

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Ian Nicholas McCave, more commonly known as Nick McCave, is the current Woodwardian Professor of Geology in the University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences and a fellow of St John's College. His current research topic is "The Sediment Record of the Deep-Sea Circulation" in the area of "Environmental change and marine geochemistry". He is primarily a marine sedimentologist.

Research Summary

70% of the Earth is covered by water, so information about the marine environment is vital in understanding how the Earth's surface system works. Nick McCave's research looks at perturbations in the deep oceans, using evidence from micro-fossils combined with carbon dating, to obtain information on pre-historical climate change. It is important to understand the normal cycles of climate change, in order to assess the degree to which the global warming we are experiencing now is caused by man, and the likely consequences by analysis of past analogues. One problem is the interaction between atmospheric climate change and the observed changes in the ocean currents. There is a 'chicken and egg' question: are the perturbations seen in atmospheric CO2 concentrations forced by the vigour of the deep ocean currents, or vice versa? Answers are being sought in detailed records of past flow and climate on precise time scales.

Research Groups

Glaciology and Quaternary Science research cluster

Godwin Laboratory for Palaeoclimate Research

Selected Biography

1969 - 1985: Lecturer (until 1976), Reader (until 1985) at the University of East Anglia School of Environmental Sciences

1978 - 1999: Adjunct Scientist (until 1987), Guest Investigator (1999) at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

1988 - 1998: Head of the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge

1985 - present: Woodwardian Professor of Geology, University of Cambridge

Other Professional Activities

2003 -05: Member of the Steering Committee for NERC's Rapid Climate Change programme

2003 - present: Member of the Steering Committee for NERC's Abrupt Climate Change programme

2001 and 2008: Member of the UK Research Assessment Exercise panel for Earth and Environmental Sciences

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