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Bill Chue Lee Nhiayi was born in a hot day of June. He was due one week earlier then planned so that is why is came out so short on June 24 1993, the worlds niceiest hmong dude popped out of the womb. He began his early life as a little kid who like to eat vegitables. He never had any friends at a early age so he wasn't that social alot. When he was a young kid he was about to be enrolled in a preschool but he moved later on. When time came for him to move he left his house in merced and moved forward to his new life in sacromento. When he moved onto sacromento he was often tormented by his brothers so he often chased them into their room with a meat cleaver. He was a dangerous kid who was very violent. Dispite all this violence at his home he would soon find his kindness in the darkness of his heart and go to school. Bill Chue Lee Nhiayi ended up enrolled in the annakirchigator elemantary school where he would find his new friends and learn the value of kindness respect and other major important principles of life. He was a sklnny boy at first but eventually time did its toll on the young boy and turned him into a giant beats of flufflyness where he would endure onsluaghts of emotional pain. Although he had some extra baggage he didnt mind he liked his not being cold as hell powers so he eventually got used to it until it was time for him to leave this school of elemantary brats and move onto to the new life of middle school. When he started his life of middle school it was not long until he had meet his match of running and physicial excercise. He was a weak and pathetic kid at the moment as he did not practice much physical movement for the elementary was foolish in this thought and focused on the school work not the social development of the school. Alot of things happened at this school that he will never forget. He learned alot of things and lost alot of important things. But most of all he lost what he didnt need and gained something he did. That was his own self image and his own will to live. His will to live was not his own he didnt follow a path meant for him he had been using someone elses map to find a differnt treasure. He went on knowing the pain he would come to endure and then embrace. He charged forward the life that he didnt want and with it he lost alot of good time and earned himself great pain to endure. Alot of things happened to him in the 7th grade but he learned kindess is for the weak and if he was to be weak he would die and be swallowed up by the bruteality of this world and what it doesnt have to offer. He learned his way to live his reason to live and that one only one thing and it was that he wanted to protect everyone he cares about most. He didnt care what happened to him as long as they are safe happy and alive he did not care about what would effect him in the end if he died if he lost his arm legs eyes mouth his intellegence he would know this and only this that his life sacraficed to make theirs a better one and with that thought he can die without any resent. Nhiayi pursued a life of philosophy and he often wrote it and mixed it in with poems. His main goal was to rule the world becuase he was tired of war he realized that it was human nature and mother nature to cause death. And it was mother nature who intends on us fighting each other but i dont mind us killing each other. I mind killing those who do not involve in the conflict. He wanted to end the conflict and start the resoloution of this story. One day we will die not by ourselves but by the sun and by what is meant to be. Nothing lives forever so we must use the time that we have to make a life perfect for our self and perfect for all those who take refuge among this world. Nhiayi wanted not world peace he could care less about war in fact he had a need for war himself. He loved strategy and liked to loose and win battles but he would never go into a battle he knew he couldnt win unless he himself would show his face in the battle and fight to his end and then he would die without a regret he would fight for the land of his people without any thought if duty calls for soldiers he will sign up first. Nhiayi a man who wanted something that no one else did a man who dreamed of a world not of peace but of divine unity and a man who wanted to just protect her.Image:Http:// m.jpg