Newark Castle, Fife

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The ruins of Newark Castle on the Fife coast.
The ruins of Newark Castle on the Fife coast.

Newark Castle is a ruin located just outside the town of St Monans, on the east coast of Fife, Scotland. Building on the site probably dates back to the 13th century at which time the Scottish king Alexander III (1241 - 1286) spent some of his childhood there. Since that time, the site has passed through several rebuilding phases, and it is most likely that the ruins currently visible are the remains of buildings constructed under the ownership of David Leslie in the 17th century. Leslie was a prominent figure in the English and Scottish Civil Wars, becoming Lord Newark after the wars.

The castle has been known by several names, including Inverie, St Monans and St Monance (the latter being a mediaeval form of the possessive St Monan's).

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