New Zealand sole

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New Zealand sole
Drawing by Dr Tony Ayling
Drawing by Dr Tony Ayling
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Pleuronectiformes
Family: Pleuronectidae
Genus: Peltorhamphus
Species: P. novaezeelandiae
Binomial name
Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae
Günther, 1862

The New Zealand sole or common sole, Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae, is a righteye flounder of the genus Peltorhamphus, found around New Zealand in shallow enclosed waters such as estuaries, harbours, mudflats, and sandflats, in waters less than 100 m in depth. Their length is from 25 to 45 cm.

The New Zealand sole is a righteye flounder meaning it has both eyes on the right side of the head and lies on its left side. It has the typical flattened oval shape of the flounder with the dorsal and anal fins forming a fringe around most of the body, and a distinctive rounded snout. The eyes are small, and the scales are small and rough to the touch. This species has a rostral hook that completely covers the mouth when the fish is viewed from above. The dorsal fin continues onto this hook around the front outline of the snout. Another distinguishing feature is the very elongate first ray on the upper pectoral fin. They swim by means of slight undulations of their fins and the outer edges of the body, keeping in contact with the bottom and seeming to "slide".

The colouring is grey-green on the back, and white on the undersurface.

The New Zealand sole eats worms, small crustaceans, and organic matter found in mud. Like all flounder it is a popular foodfish.

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