New International Encyclopedia

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Four books measuring over one foot (0.3048m) in width
Four books measuring over one foot (0.3048m) in width

The New International Encyclopedia was an English-language encyclopedia first published in the early 1900s. It was printed in two editions. The first edition was published from 1902 to 1914 by Dodd, Mead and Company.[1] The second edition was copyrighted in 1917 and afterwards by Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc. The Second Edition contains more volumes than the First Edition.

The 1926 output was printed in Cambridge, Massachusetts by The University Press. Boston Bookbinding Company of Cambridge produced the covers. Thirteen books enclosing twenty-three volumes comprise the encyclopedia, which includes a supplement after Volume 23. Each book contains about 1600 pages.

A great deal of biographic material is recorded in the New International Encyclopedia. An early description of Adolf Hitler and his activities from 1920 to 1924 is in the supplement to the 1926 edition. Many of the names which are used to describe the scientific identities of plants and animals are now obsolete.

Numerous colorful maps which display the nations, states, colonies, and protectorates which existed early in the twentieth century are included. The maps are valuable for their depictions of national and colonial borders in Europe, Asia, and Africa at the time of World War I. Drawings, illustrations, and photographs are plentiful, too.


[edit] Contributors and Office Editors

More than five-hundred educated men and some women submitted and composed the information contained in the New International Encyclopedia.

◊Editors of the First Edition
◊Editors of the Second Edition
  • Washington Irving Lincoln Adams (Photography).
  • Mary Warren Allen, (Bibliographer).
  • Samuel Angus, Ph.D., Professor of Hellenistic Greek, Hartford Theological Seminary. (Ostraka, etc.).
  • Edith Arrowsmith, (Department of Reader's Handbook).
  • Robert Arrowsmith, Ph.D., Formerly Professor of Latin and Greek, Teachers College, Columbia University. (Department of Reader's Handbook).
  • Maurice Bloomfield, Ph.D., LL. D., Professor of Sanskrit and Comparative Philology, Johns Hopkins University. (Topics in Oriental Literature).
  • Mrs. Ella A. Boole, Ph.D., President New York State W. C. T. U. (Woman's Christian Temperance Union and other articles).
  • Demarchus C. Brown, M. A. (Indiana State librarian).
  • Alexander F. Chamberlain, Ph.D., Professor of anthropology, Clark University. (South American Indian tribes and Peoples; Asiatic tribes and Peoples).
  • Colby Mitchell Chester, Rear-Admiral United States Navy (Naval Observatory)
  • Wynfrid Laurence Henry Duckworth, M.D., Sc. D., M. A., Fellow of Jesus College, Cambridge, England; University Lecturer in Physical Anthropology, and Senior Demonstrator of Human Anatomy. (Man, Science of).
  • A. A. Goldenweiser, Ph.D., Instructor in Anthropology, Columbia University. (Animism and Ancestor worship).
  • William Everett Hooper, Associate Editor, Railway Age Gazette, (Supervisor of Department of Railways).
  • Wolfgang L. G. Joerg, Assistant Editor of the Bulletin of the American Geographical Society, (Topics in Geography).
  • Joseph J. Kral, (Topics in Gazateer).
  • William S. Lahey, B. Lit. (Jersey City).
  • Charles F. Marvin, Chief of the United States Weather Bureau. (Meteorology).
  • Charles W. Mead, Assistant Curator of Anthropology, Department of Archæology, American Museum of Natural History, New York. (Peruvian Antiquities).
  • Nelson P. Mead, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History, College of the City of New York. (War in Europe).
  • Grace A. Owen, (Topics in Modern History).
  • Walter Pach, B. A., (Biographies in Painting and Sculpture).
  • Harry Fielding Reid, C. E., Ph.D., Professor of Dynamical Geology and Geography, Johns Hopkins University. (Glacier).
  • Paul Samuel Reinsch, Ph.D., Formerly Professor of Political Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison; United States Minister to China. (Political Science).
  • J. Salwyn Schapiro, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of History, The College of the City of New York. (Modern History).
  • Munroe Smith, J.U.D., LL. D., Professor of Roman Law and Comparative Jurisprudence, Columbia University. (Topics in European Law).
  • Preserved Smith, Author of The Life and Letters of Martin Luther.
  • Ralph S. Thompson, (Music and Biography).
  • Frank Weitenkampf, L. H. D., Chief, Arts and Prints Division, New York Public Library. (Mezzotint; Meryon).
  • R. H. Whitbeck. A. B., Professor of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison. (New Jersey{Physiographic Portion}).
  • Miss Elizabeth Wilson, Secretarial Department, National Board, Young Women's Christian Association. (Young Women's Christian Association).
  • Levi Edgar Young, Professor of History, University of Utah. (Mormons).

[edit] Others

Some notable contributors are:[2]

















[edit] Foreign-born in certain places in 1910

[3] An account of the number of foreign-born people living in certain places is given for the year 1910.

77, 043 (Total population, 558,485)
1,693,918 (Total population, approximately 2,189,520)
19,767 (Total population, 233,650)
10,344 (Total population, 82,331)
60,000 (Total population, 319,918)
85,938 (Total population, 301,408)
27,686 (Total population, 339,075)
140,436 (Total population, 533,905)
125,706 (Total population, 687,029).
Foreign-born white
13,345,545 (Sixteen per cent of the total population of white people in the nation). (Total population in the nation, 91,972,266, of which 68,386,412 were native white people)
Foreign-born white males in 1910, 7,523,788
Foreign-born white females in 1910, 5,821,757
(In 1900, 10,213,817 foreign-born white people existed).

[edit] Negroes in certain places in 1910

[4] An account of the number of negroes living in certain places is given for the year 1910.

85,098 (Total population, 558,485)
44,103 (Total population, approximately 2,189,520)
21,816 (Total population, 233,650)
9,286 (Total population, 82,331)
7,000 (Total population, 319,198)
22,763, or 44% of the 51,521 total population
89,262 (Total population, 339,075)
84,549 (Total population, 1,549,008)
34,217 (Total population, 533,905)
43,960 (Total population, 687,029)
9,827,763 (Total population, 91,972,366)

[edit] Statements on foreign-born and Negroes living in certain places

[5] Alternately, or additionally in some cases, generalized accounts of the ethnic identities of the residents of certain places is given for the early years of the twentieth century, (i. e., circa 1910), expressed as a paragraph or a sentence.

CIRCA 1910.
Population in 1900, 89,872, including 2,500 persons of foreign birth and 35,900 of negro descent.
The thirteenth census (1910) of the United States gave the total population of Baltimore as 558,485, divided into 118,851 families, occupying 101,905 dwellings. Of this number, 268,195 were males and 290,290 were females; 481,442 were native born and 77,043 were foreign born. The total number of whites was 473,387 and of colored 85,098. Of the native whites, 261,474 had native parents and 134,870 had foreign parents.
While it is claimed for Boston that it still retains its old American spirit and character, the city has a larger foreign element than many other large American cities. The percentage of people of foreign birth in 1890 was 35.37, and those of foreign parentage constituted 60.9; while in 1900 the former constituted 34.8%, and in 1910 35.9%, of the total population. Of the foreign nationalities, the Irish are most strongly represented. The largest immigration of Irish took place in the decade 1845-55, the immigrants settling in the once fashionable section of the North End. The Scottish, English, and Germans are represented in much smaller numbers, while in later years the immigration has been made up largely of Italians and Russian Jews, the latter having taken the place of the Irish in the North End of the city. The colored population is very small, having been less than 12,000 in 1900 and under 14,000 in 1910.
The city had increased in 1870 to 298,977, ranking fifth among American cities; in 1880, to 503,185, ranking fourth; in 1890 to 1,099,850, ranking second; in 1900, to 1,698,575; and in 1910, to 2,185,283, still ranking second. (The exact number of people is unknown, however, due to the rapid increases).
Chicago has a remarkably high per cent (36) of foreign-born population, and of the native-born, 54% are of foreign parentage. Of the foreign nationalities the Germans are most numerous, aggregating more than twice the number of Irish, the latter having shown an inclination to remain in the Eastern towns. The numbers of those who are of foreign birth or parentage are given in the following list after the names of the countries from whence they were derived: Germany, 501,832; Austria, 227,958; Ireland, 204,821; England and Scotland, 85,894; Canada, 66,453; Russia, 184,757; Scandinavian countries, 184,747; and various other countries of Europe, 303,909; making a total under this classification (exclusive of Canadians) of 1,693,918, i. e., about 77 and one-half per cent of the entire population of the city. The population rose to 2,701,705 in 1920, an increase of approximately 23%. 44,103 negroes were enumerated in 1910.
There are few negroes, but many foreigners, the foreign born in 1910 numbering 195,700, or more than one-third of the total. (Population in 1910, 560,663). Among the foreign born the Germans are predominant, constituting in 1910 about 29%. Bohemians and other Slavs come next with 18%, and thereafter the Hungarians with 11%, the Russians with 9%, the Irish with 8%, the English with 6%, the Italians with 4%, and the Canadians with less than 4%. The native whites of foreign parents numbered 171,560, and with the foreign-born inhabitants made up 75% of the city's population.
(The total population accelerated from 285,704 in 1900 to 465,466 in 1910 and to 993,739 in 1920). (The following information may indicate the 1910 figures, not those of 1920, despite the wording). Of the last, 156,565 were foreign born, the German and Canadian elements being the largest. About two-thirds of the native born were native white of foreign parents. The colored population numbered only 5,741.
Of the population, 61.8% are white of native parents, 18.3% white with foreign or mixed parents, and 9.5% negro. (Total population in 1910, 248,381).
There were 27,686 persons of foreign birth and 89,262 negroes. Of the former, about 8000 were Italians, 6000 Germans, 3600 French, and 3000 Irish.
In 1910, the foreign-born whites numbered 1,927,703, or 40.4% of the total population of the city. In Manhattan alone, 47.4% of the population was foreign born. The negro population in 1910 numbered 91,709.
Of the white population 61.9% is of foreign parentage, but native whites of foreign parentage comprise 32% of the entire population. The negroes numbered 84,549 in 1910; Chinese, Japanese, and Indians, 1,177. The largest classes of European descent are Irish, German, Russian, English, and Italian. French, Greeks, Armenians, Hungarians, Bohemians, and Poles are present in lesser numbers. (In 1910, 1,549,008 people lived in Philadelphia).
In 1910, 393,469 were native born, 140,436 foreign born, and 191,483 of foreign or mixed parentage. The great industries of the Pittsburgh district draw this large alien population. The colored population in 1910 was 34,217, or 6.4% of a total population of 533,905.
From 1810, the date of the first Federal census, to 1880, the totals include with the city of Saint Louis the population of Saint Louis County, which in 1880 was separately enumerated at 31,888. The great growth between 1840 (35,979) and 1850 (104,978) had for one of its causes the German emigration following the revolutionary movement of 1848. This influence has been continuous. In 1910, 47,765 out of the total of 125,706 foreign-born residents of the city were natives of the German Empire. This was 38%, exclusive of Austrians of German race. In 1910, 11.3% of the foreign-born population was of Irish nativity, 4.1% of English, 12.3% of Russian, 6 of Italian, and 8.8 of Austrian. Although the total of foreign-born is comparatively small, the native population born of white foreign parents is 246,946, the native population born of native white parents being 269,836. The negro population was 43,960. (In 1910, 687,029 people lived in the city).
In 1910, San Francisco had a population of 416,912, 50.3% of the population being native whites, 43.1% foreign-born whites, and 6.4% belonging to colored races. There were 24,137 Germans, 23,151 Irish, 9,815 English, 6,244 French, 4,641 Austrians, 10,582 Chinese, and 6,988 Japanese. The number of Chinese is diminishing, while the Japanese are increasing slowly or not at all. The Chinese are segregated in a quarter of their own, which has been rebuilt since the fire with almost, if not all, of its former charm and color, while Japanese colonies may be found in several parts of the city.
1920 census (Total population, 105,710,620)
White, 94,820,915
Native white, total, 81,108,161
Foreign-born white, 13,712,754
Negro, 10,463,131
Indian, 244,437
Chinese, 61,639
Japanese, 111,010
All other, 9,488
In 1915 the population of the district was 357,749; of whom 258,940 were white and 98,809 were colored.

[edit] Foreign-born by states in 1910


  • New Hampshire The population per square mile in 1910 was 47.7. The State lost largely in the latter part of the nineteenth century through immigration to the Western States, but in recent years this outflow has been offset to a considerable extent by the increase in immigration of foreign-born population, particularly French Canadians. The urban population, i. e., that of places of 2500 or more, was, in 1910, 255,099, and the rural population, 175,473. The native whites of native parentage in that year were 230,231; the native whites of foreign or mixed parentage, 103,177; the foreign-born whites 96,558. Of the foreign-born whites the largest number came from Canada and Ireland. By sex the population was divided in 1910 into 216,290 males and 214,282 females. The males of voting age numbered 136,668.
  • Utah In 1910 it ranked forty-first amongst the States in population. (Total: 373,351). The negro population numbered 1,444, the Indian 3,123, and the Japanese 2,110. The native whites numbered 303,190 and the foreign-born whites 63,393. Among the foreign born, the English were by far the most numerous; the Danes numbered 8,300, the Swedes, 7,227, and the Greeks 4,039.

[edit] Biographies of women

[7] Several hundred brief biographies of little-known or mostly-forgotten women are included in this encyclopedia.


[edit] Railroads

[8] The names of many of the railroads which had existed early in the twentieth century are mentioned at thousands of place names.

In 2005, the well-constructed, sturdy Pan Handle (Railroad) bridge is an important transit bridge which carries electric trolleys (streetcars) across the Monongahela river. It is the third-to-last bridge over that river before the river meets with the Allegheny to form the Ohio river.

[edit] Pony Express fees


  • At first the cost was $5.00 for a ½-ounce (15.55 gm) letter; later the charge was reduced to $2.50.
  • Riders were paid $100 to $125 per month. Each rider was expected to cover 75 miles (121 km) a day.

The quickest trip was that made for the delivery of President Lincoln's inaugural address. About 1400 miles (2253 km) from St. Joseph, Mo. to Sacramento, Cal. being covered in 7 days and 17 hours. Mail passing through Panama required about 22 days.

The first pony express left on April 3, 1860. Eventually there were 190 stations, 200 station keepers, 200 assistant station keepers, 80 riders, and between 400 and 500 horses. The company ceased operations in October, 1861, on the completion of the line of the Pacific Telegraph Company.

[edit] List of 172 maps (1926 edition, in colors)

Ancient map of the world
Ancient map of the world
Foldout page with a map of Manitoba
Foldout page with a map of Manitoba
The Netherlands and Belgium
The Netherlands and Belgium

[edit] Images

[edit] 1902 paintings

These paintings were copyrighted in 1902 by Dodd, Mead and Company and are now in the public domain. They were published in various editions of the encyclopedia.

[edit] Photographs contained within the encyclopedia

[edit] Drawings

[edit] Diagrams

[edit] References

  1. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  2. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  3. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  4. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  5. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  6. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  7. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  8. ^ New International Encyclopedia
  9. ^ Image:UniontownPaRR.jpg
  10. ^ New International Encyclopedia

[edit] Text entries
