New Hampshire Liberty Alliance

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The New Hampshire Liberty Alliance (NHLA) is a New Hampshire non-partisan coalition whose goal is to increase individual freedom. The organization encourages private charity, a civil society, and citizen involvement in government, and they do so by supporting pro-liberty candidates for state and local offices, and other pro-liberty causes and organizations.


[edit] Departments

[edit] Political Action

The NHLA sponsors a website, GeneralCourt.Org, that tracks the status of bills in the New Hampshire legislature. NHLA volunteers testify at the legislature on bills of interest to them. Dan Itse, a state representative from Rockingham County, is currently Director of Political Action.

[edit] Civic Action

The NHLA engages in ad hoc charity work, including donations for victims of disasters, and highway cleanup. Shuvom Ghose is currently Director of Civic Action.

They initially sponsored the Liberty Scholarship Fund, which funds private or home schooling for the children of needy families. The scholarship has since been spun off independently.

[edit] Research

The NHLA produces an annual “Liberty Rating” for New Hampshire’s state representatives and senators, based on legislative role-call votes of particular interest to the organization. Denis Goddard is currently Director of Research.

[edit] Membership

The NHLA allows free basic memberships, and offers lifetime memberships for $100. Jon Bender is currently Director of Membership.

[edit] Board of Directors

  • Chairman: Dawn Lincoln
  • Director of Membership: Jon Bender
  • Director of Political Action: Dan Itse
  • Director of Civic Action: Shuvom Ghose
  • Director of Research: Denis Goddard
  • Secretary: Suzanne Hudson
  • Treasurer: Carol McGuire

[edit] See also

[edit] External links