New Age

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The term New Age (sometimes called the New Age Movement), refers to both a decentralized social phenomenon and a western socio-religious movement that developed in the 1970-80s. It combines aspects of spirituality, esotericism, complementary and alternative medicine, and includes religious practices from many sources across the world, as well as environmentalism. It is characterized by an eclectic and individual approach to spirituality, and a general rejection of mainstream dogma. Other terms used to describe the movement include Self-spirituality, New spirituality, and Mind-body-spirit.[1][2]

The movement began in the mid 20th century and peaked around the 1980s. The name itself refers to the coming astrological Age of Aquarius. Beliefs in New Age ideas are found among diverse individuals, including some who graft additional beliefs onto a traditional religious affiliation. Some individuals who hold any of its beliefs may not identify with the term "New Age", and that term may be applied as a label by outsiders to anyone they consider inclined towards its world view.[citation needed] The New Age movement includes elements of older spiritual and religious traditions from both East and West, many of which have been melded with ideas from modern science, particularly psychology and ecology. New Age ideas could be described as drawing inspiration from all the major world religions with particularly strong influences from the religions of Spiritualism, Buddhism, Hermeticism, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Sufism, Daoism and Neopaganism, Wicca, and practices like nature worship, ancient animism, deism, monism, Eastern classical pantheism, paganism, shamanism, mayanism, ceremonial magic and New Thought.[3]

Various New Age religions and philosophies span a continuum from monotheism through classical pantheism, also including naturalistic pantheism or panentheism.[citation needed]

The New Age movement has led to wide-ranging literature on the subject, and an active subeconomy with products such as new age books, music known as new age music, crafts—most visible in speciality shops and New Age fairs and festivals, and services in alternative medicine.[4][5][6][7]


[edit] Definitions

There is no formal definition of the New Age movement. Some have suggested that anyone who samples many diverse teachings and practices from both 'mainstream' and 'fringe' traditions and formulates their own beliefs and practices based on their experiences can be considered as New Age.[1]

New Age beliefs and practices include a wide range of ideas and activities, from which participants in the subculture[citation needed] select their own preferred streams to identify with. The question of which contemporary cultural elements can be included under the name of "New Age" , or what it means, is much contested.[citation needed] New Age channelers, for instance, have many points of similarity with Spiritualist mediums. Many spiritual movements, such as neo-paganism and transpersonal psychology partially overlap with it.[citation needed]

[edit] History

[edit] Origins

Some of the New Age movement's constituent elements appeared initially in nineteenth century metaphysical movements such as Spiritualism, Theosophy and New Thought; and alternative medicine movements such as chiropractic and naturopathy.[1][2] These movements in turn have roots in Transcendentalism, Mesmerism, Swedenborgianism, and various earlier Western esoteric or occult traditions, such as the Hermetic arts of astrology, magic, alchemy, and kabbalah. Some of the popularisation behind these ideas has roots in the work of early twentieth-century writers, such as D. H. Lawrence and W. B. Yeats.

A weekly Journal of Christian liberalism and Socialism called The New Age was published as early as 1894.[8] In 1907 it was sold to a group of Socialist writers headed by Alfred Richard Orage and Holbrook Jackson. Other historical personalities were involved, including H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, and William Butler Yeats; the magazine became a forum for politics, literature, and the arts.[9][10] Between 1908 and 1914 it was instrumental in pioneering the British avant-garde, from vorticism to imagism. After 1914, publisher Orage met P. D. Ouspensky, a follower of G. I. Gurdjieff, and began correspondence with Harry Houdini, becoming less interested in literature and art, and an increased focus on mysticism and other spiritual topics, and sold the magazine in 1921. According to Brown University, "The New Age helped to shape modernism in literature and the arts from 1907 to 1922".[11]

In the early-mid 1900s, American mystic and theologian Edgar Cayce, founder of the Association for Research and Enlightenment, was a seminal influence on what later would become known as the New Age movement, and was known in particular for the practice some refer to as "channeling".[12] The British neo-Theosophist Alice Bailey published a book titled Discipleship in the New Age in 1944, and had used the terms "New Age" in reference to the transition from the astrological age of Pisces to that of Aquarius. Another early adopter of the term was the American artist mystic and philosopher Walter Russell, who spoke in an essay of "…this New Age philosophy of the spiritual re-awakening of man…", also published in 1944. The Findhorn Foundation, an early New Age intentional community in northern Scotland founded in 1962, played a significant role in the early growth period of the New Age movement and is still active today. The movement in Russia has been heavily influenced by the legacy of Nicholas Roerich and Helena Roerich, who taught in the Theosophical tradition. Another former Theosophist, Rudolf Steiner and his anthroposophical movement, is a major influence, especially upon German-speaking New Agers. In Brazil, followers of Spiritist writer Allan Kardec[13] blend with the Africanized folk traditions of Candomblé and Umbanda.

[edit] Contemporary usage

The subculture that would later take on the descriptive term "New Age" already existed in the early 1970s, based on and continuing themes originally present in 1960s counterculture. Although more rock than new age in genre, the 1967 major hit musical Hair with its opening song "Aquarius" and the memorable line "This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius" showed the emergence of the New Age concept into mainstream awareness.[citation needed]

Use of the term New Age began in the mid 1970s, reflected in the title of a new monthly periodical, the New Age Journal, and was taken up by several thousand small metaphysical book and gift stores that increasingly defined themselves as "New Age bookstores".[14][15]

As a result of the large scale activities surrounding the Harmonic Convergence, in the mid 1980s, the term was further popularized by the American mass media to describe the alternative spiritual subculture, including activities all the way from meditation, channeling, reincarnation, crystals, psychic experience, to holistic health or environmentalism, or belief in anomalous phenomena, or for other “unsolved mysteries” such as UFOs, Earth mysteries and crop circles. By the late 1980s, a range of new publications had appeared to serve the marketplace of these ideas, including Psychic Guide Magazine (later renamed Body, Mind & Spirit), Yoga Journal, New Age Voice (a New Age music specialty magazine) and trade publications such as New Age Retailer, NaPRA ReView ("New Age Publishing and Retailers Association"), and others.

Diverse activities of this subculture, or subcultures, might include: participation in study or meditation groups, attendance at lectures and fairs; the purchase of books, music, or different products such as crystals or incense; healing or energy pyramids; or patronage of fortune-tellers, healers and spiritual counselors.[citation needed]

Key moments in raising public awareness of this subculture include the publication of Linda Goodman's best selling astrology books Sun Signs (1968) and Love Signs (1978), the October 1967 musical Hair, and its opening song "Age of Aquarius", the Harmonic Convergence organized by Jose Arguelles in Sedona, Arizona, in 1987; and the wave of interest in the broadcast of Shirley MacLaine's television mini-series Out on a Limb (also 1987). This was an autobiographical account of her mid-life spiritual exploration. Also influential were the claims of channelers such as Jane Roberts (Seth) and J.Z. Knight (Ramtha), as well as revealed writings such as A Course In Miracles (Helen Schucman), The Celestine Prophecy (James Redfield), Conversations with God (Neale Donald Walsch).

While J. Gordon Melton, Wouter J. Hanegraaff amd Paul Heelas have emphasised the mentioned personal aspects, other authors, including Mark Satin,[16] Theodore Roszak,[17] Marilyn Ferguson[18] and Corinne McLaughlin[19] have described the New Age as a values-based sociopolitical movement.

[edit] Beliefs

Quartz crystals are believed to have mystical properties by some New Age followers; see Crystal power
Quartz crystals are believed to have mystical properties by some New Age followers; see Crystal power

Recent surveys of U.S. adults indicate that around 20% of Americans hold at least some New Age beliefs.[20]

Those who categorize themselves as New Age followers have a diverse set of beliefs that differ widely across individuals, groups and locations;[1][2] an individual identified with New Age thinking may subscribe to one, some or all of these.

[edit] Philosophy and Cosmology

  • Teleology : There is a belief that there is a purpose to life. This includes a belief in synchronicity - that coincidences have a spiritual meaning, and contain spiritual lessons to teach those that are open to them. Everything is universally connected through God, participating in the same energy[22] There is a cosmic goal and a belief that all entities are (knowingly or unknowingly) cooperating towards this goal.
  • Psychic energy : Certain geographic locations emanate psychic energy, sometimes through the form of ley lines and such places (e.g. Stonehenge) were considered sacred in "pagan" religions throughout the world.[23]

[edit] Approach to religion and science

  • Eclectic spirituality : Every person should follow their own individual path to spirituality, and not follow dogma. Different religions and philosophies from across the world offer different practises that can be adopted by people in their search.[citation needed]
  • Anti-Patriarchy : Feminine forms of spirituality, including feminine images of the divine, such as the female Aeon Sophia in Gnosticism, are deprecated by patriarchal religions.[2]

[edit] "Paranormal" beliefs

  • Age of Aquarius : The current time period is one of great transformation for the Earth and human consciousness. Certain dates have a special significance in these changes. The Harmonic Convergence in 1987 was one, and there are others to come in 2011 or 2012.[25][26][27]

[edit] Other

Rosebud and Fish, New Age bookstore in Salem, Oregon.
Rosebud and Fish, New Age bookstore in Salem, Oregon.
  • Human potential : The human mind has much greater potential than that ascribed to it, and is capable of overriding physical reality;[30] the ultimate level of human potential has only been realised by a few spiritual masters.[citation needed]
  • Positive thinking : A positive attitude supported by affirmations will achieve success in anything.[34] A certain critical mass of people with a highly spiritual consciousness will bring about a sudden change in the whole population.[35] Humans have a responsibility to take part in positive creative activity and to work to heal ourselves, each other and the planet.[36]
  • Diet : The food eaten influences the mind as well as the body. It is generally preferable to eat fresh organic vegetarian food which is locally grown and in season[37][38] Fasting can help achieve higher levels of consciousness.[39]

[edit] Criticism and skepticism

Criticisms of New Age beliefs generally take one of two forms: that they lack proper scientific basis and testing, or that they violate or misappropriate the sanctity of various traditional religions, philosophies, or cultures[40][41][42].

[edit] Religious and spiritual criticism

Some in established religions dismiss New Age thinking as heretical, immoral and shifting without the clear guidance given by a sacred book or tradition of teaching.[43][44][45]

Some adherents of traditional disciplines from cultures such as India, China, and elsewhere; a number of orthodox schools of Yoga, Tantra, Qigong, Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and martial arts (the traditional Taijiquan families, for example), groups with histories reaching back many centuries in some cases, eschew the Western label New Age, seeing the movement it represents as either not fully understanding or deliberately trivializing their disciplines, or as outright distortions.[46]

Urarina shaman, 1988
Urarina shaman, 1988

Much of the strongest criticism of New Age eclecticism has come from American Indian writers and communities. The Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality[47] is one of the strongest statements of opprobrium from traditional tribal religious leaders.

Some writers have identified racist bias in the movement's early Theosophical sources, especially the writings of Alice Bailey on the Jews [48] [49] [50] and comments of Rudolf Steiner on specific ethnic groups including black people, though Steiner, at least, emphasized racial equality as a principle central to anthroposophical thought and humanity's further progress.[51][52] Any racially-charged elements present in such influences have not remained part of the ongoing evolution of the Anthroposophical Society and have either not been taken up or have been repudiated by modern members of the movement. [53] [54]

Some criticism has been levelled[citation needed] at a certain business-like ethos that has crept into certain elements of New Ageism. Some[citation needed] see true commitment to spirituality as a flight from business concerns;others disagree,as is evident from transpersonal business studies.

[edit] Rationalist and academic criticism

Adherents of scientific skepticism criticize New Age beliefs stating that one should question the veracity of all claims, and especially paranormal or extraordinary claims, unless such claims can be empirically tested. Some researchers have been unable to find strong evidence of any paranormal activity, or to find ground for new-age beliefs, and thus take issue with the use of scientific terminology, or what they call pseudo-science, to promote spiritual beliefs.[55][56]

Some authors, such as Deepak Chopra, Fritjof Capra, Fred Alan Wolf and Gary Zukav, have linked quantum mechanics to New Age thinking, to form a genre which is sometimes known as quantum mysticism, often in connection with the Law of Attraction, which is related to New Thought and presented in the 2006 film The Secret. They have interpreted the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, quantum entanglement, wave function collapse or the many worlds interpretation, to a mean that all objects in the universe are one (monism), that possibility and existence are endless, and that the physical world is only what one believes it to be.

Some scientists are skeptical of this broad application of quantum ideas and have criticized what they believe to be vague descriptions of the phenomena in quantum mechanics on which they are based. Researchers such as Margaret Wertheim, Heinz Pagels, Murray Gell-Mann and Victor Stenger have stated they do not agree that any evidence from quantum mechanics supports these views.[57]

[edit] Ken Wilber's pre/trans fallacy view

The American writer Ken Wilber posits that much New Age thought falls into the trap of what he calls the pre/trans fallacy.[58] A person's psychological development moves from the pre-personal, through the personal levels of development, to the transpersonal – this latter developmental milieu supposedly being the arena of the spiritually advanced or enlightened beings. According to Wilber, 80% of New Age spirituality is pre-rational (pre-conventional), that it relies primarily on mythic-magical thinking, in contrast to post-rational (includes and transcend rational) that is genuine world-centric consciousness.

Wilber maintains that this model is in conflict with simpler two-stage models of psychological development (be they from personal to transpersonal levels or the more mainstream view of pre-personal to personal levels). Uncritical use of a two-stage model of psycho-spiritual development can lead to one or both of the version of the 'pre/trans fallacy': either mistaking pre-personal material as spiritual (the elevationist fallacy), or mistaking the transpersonal for pre-personal (the reductionalist fallacy).

[edit] Response to criticism

New Agers have responded to criticisms of the New Age. New Age proponents defend their beliefs by claiming that New Age philosophy and religions are not special and unique in having their beliefs overrule logic and reasoning. They point out that Christianity and all other major world religions demand no less. For example many continue to believe in things such as biblical inerrancy, creationism, intelligent design, and a young earth despite all the evidence for evolution and the enormous age of the earth.

[edit] Terminology

Many New Agers revere ancient sites, such as Stonehenge, above, as having a special "energy".
Many New Agers revere ancient sites, such as Stonehenge, above, as having a special "energy".
  • Forces. It is commonly held that there exist certain forces, independent of spiritual beings or agencies, and also distinct from forces as defined by science (e.g., gravitation, electro-magnetism, etc.). These forces are elemental in nature; and are held to operate in an automatic fashion as part of the natural order (for example, the force which causes seeds to sprout, grow, and bloom).
  • Power. The "forces", and everything else, are energized by a mystical power that exists in varying degrees in all things. Power is transferable, through physical contact, sensory perception, or mere proximity. Power may be accumulated or depleted in a person or object through a variety of mechanisms, including fate and esoteric practices. This power is held to be physically observable as "auras" and "psi energy"; and when encountered in great concentration, may even be dangerous.
  • Energy. In some belief systems, "forces" and "power" may seem to merge; e.g., in the concept of "vital force" that exists in so many traditional belief systems, and finds its expression in New Age concepts such as the "energies" in Therapeutic Touch or Reiki and ideas of flowing streams of power in Earth, like "leylines" in Britain and Europe and earth energies addressed in the Chinese geomantic system of feng shui.
  • Spirit. All beings (particularly sentient beings) are accompanied by a specific, intentional "energy" which corresponds to their consciousness, but is in some way independent of their corporeal existence. This energy typically is more primary than the physical entity, in the sense that it remains in some form after the physical death of that being.

[edit] New Age approaches to medicine

Main article: Alternative medicine

New Agers may use alternative medicine in addition to, or in place of, relying on conventional, evidence-based medicine.[5][59] Possible techniques seen as compatible with the New Age perspective include:[4][60][61]

Louise Hay has published New Age books regarding the belief that illnesses have a metaphysical origin and can be treated by an evaluation of emotional and spiritual attitudes (a similar belief is held by members of the Church of Christ, Scientist). Hay's books feature lists of diseases and the associated negative belief, accompanied by the correcting positive belief which can be sought by repeating the correcting positive affirmation. The intent is to empower the individual to change their thinking and therefore change the condition.

Some branches of New Age medicine focus on holistic health of patients, rather than the symptomatic focus of conventional Western medicine.[citation needed] Some conventional physicians have embraced aspects of or the complete approach of holistic medicine.[citation needed]

[edit] Controversy regarding alternative medicine

Some scientific professionals question the efficacy of the methods of "alternative or complementary medicine," and some writers have referred to these methods as quackery (Norcross et al 2006;Singer and Lalich 1996). There are increasing numbers of double blind tests of alternative medicine methods but such testing has rarely resulted in corroborating results. However, it is difficult to apply double-blind testing methods to some alternative medicine techniques because in many of these techniques, the relationship with the practitioner is part of the process, and that relationship cannot be practically "blinded" in a testing protocol. See the main article on Alternative medicine for a deeper discussion of these points.

Skeptics of the New Age approach to medicine point out it is possible that direct harm can result from a treatment such as acupuncture (bruising, dizziness, infection),[citation needed] from poorly prescribed herbal medicine or from an untrained person self-administering herbal medicines. Indirect harm may result when a patient declines proven scientific treatment in favor of unproven alternative treatments and thereby misses the benefit that may have accrued from the mainstream treatment.[62]

Critics of New Age medicine state that without scientific testing, it is not possible to determine which techniques, medicinal herbs, and lifestyle changes may contribute to increased health and which treatments have no effect or may be dangerous. In 2005, the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland began a program of research to determine which alternative medicine practices may be useful in support of conventional medical practice.[63]

[edit] New Age Music

Main article: New Age music

New Age music is peaceful music of various styles that is intended to make people feel good when they hear it. When it first started in the early 1970s it was mostly instrumental, and there were both acoustic and electronic kinds. Over the years, many more styles of New Age music appeared with the advent of less expensive equipment; now there is everything from spacey electronic kinds, to acoustic instrumentals using western instruments, to spiritual chanting from other cultures, like Kirtan with Sanskrit lyrics, or Native American flutes and drums.

This music has its roots in the 1970s with the works of such free-form jazz groups recording on the ECM label as Oregon, the Paul Winter Group, and other pre-ambient bands; as well as ambient performers such as Brian Eno. The Greek artist Yanni, one of the "superstars" of the New Age genre, relies heavily on synthesizers and instrumental "world music" sounds. Enya, although claiming her music is not of this genre, has won a New Age Grammy for her music which utilizes vocals in a variety of languages, including Latin.

New Age music attempts to offer vision of a better future[64], expresses an appreciation of goodness and beauty, even an anticipation of some event. Rarely does New Age music dwell on a problem with this world or its inhabitants; instead it offers a peaceful vision of a better world. Often the music is celestial, when the title names stars or deep space explorations. Some new age music albums come with liner notes encouraging the music's use in meditation, and many albums have been recorded with specific design for this purpose. Studies have determined that new age music is an effective component of stress management programs.[65]

[edit] LOHAS ("Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability") Demographic

People who embrace "New Age" lifestyle and/or beliefs are included in the LOHAS ("Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability") demographic market segment, currently in a growth phase, related to sustainable living, so-called "green" ecological initiatives, and generally composed of a relatively affluent and well-educated population segment.[66] [67] The LOHAS market segment in year 2006 was estimated at $300 billion, approximately 30% of the USA consumer market.[68] [69] According to the New York Times, a study by the Natural Marketing Institute showed that in 2000, 68 million Americans were included within the LOHAS demographic. Author Paul H. Ray, who coined the term "Cultural Creatives" in his book by the same name, explaines that "What you're seeing is a demand for products of equal quality that are also virtuous".[70][71]

[edit] See also

[edit] Footnotes

  1. ^ a b c d New Age Transformed J Gordon Melton, Director Institute for the Study of American Religion. Accessed June 2006.
  2. ^ a b c d e What Is “New Age? Michael D. Langone, Ph.D. Cult Observer, 1993, Volume 10, No. 1. Accessed July 2006.
  3. ^ Lewis, James R.; J. Gordon Melton (1992). Perspectives on the New Age. SUNY Press, pp16-18. ISBN 079141213X. 
  4. ^ a b University of Montana. "Alternative medicine: from new age to mainstream", Montana Business Quarterly, Winter, 1998. 
  5. ^ a b Heelas, Paul (1996). The New Age Movement: Religion, Culture and Society in the Age of Postmodernity. Blackwell Publishing, p116. ISBN 0631193324. 
  6. ^ The New Age Wholesale
  7. ^
  8. ^ History of the New Age periodical, Brown University, Modernist Journals Project
  9. ^ Modernism In and Beyond the “Little Magazines”, Winter 2007, Professor Ann Ardis, Brown University
  10. ^ The New Age in Encyclopedia Britannica article on Orage
  11. ^ Modernist Journals Project Has Grant to Digitize Rare Magazines Brown University Press Releases, April 19, 2007
  12. ^ York, Michael (1995). The Emerging Network: A Sociology of the New Age and Neo-Pagan Movements. Rowman & Littlefield, p60. ISBN 0847680010. 
  13. ^ Alan Kardec - Spirit Writings Accessed July 2006.
  14. ^ Algeo, John; Adele S. Algeo (1991). Fifty Years Among the New Words: A Dictionary of Neologisms, 1941-1991. Cambridge University Press, p234. ISBN 0521449715. 
  15. ^ Materer, Timothy (1995). Modernist Alchemy: Poetry and the Occult. Cornell University Press, p14. ISBN 0801431468. 
  16. ^ Mark Satin, New Age Politics (orig. 1976)
  17. ^ Theodore Roszak, Person/Planet (1978),
  18. ^ Marilyn FergusonAquarian Conspiracy (1980)
  19. '^ Gordon Davidson and Corinne McLaughlin,Spiritual Politics (1994)
  20. ^ Barnia, George (1996). The Index of Leading Spiritual Indicators. Thomas Nelson. ISBN 0849936039. 
  21. ^ Reincarnation and NDE Research. Retrieved on 2006-10-01.
  22. ^ Only God Exists. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  23. ^ Witcombe, Christopher L. C. E.. Sacred Places. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.
  24. ^ Quantum Interconnectedness. Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  25. ^ Network 2012. Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  26. ^ Children of Light (2007). Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  27. ^ Nvisible. Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  28. ^ Ascended Masters Research Center. Retrieved on 2001-07-01.
  29. ^ Kabbalah - Judaism's Way Into The New Age.
  30. ^ Reality Shifters news.
  31. ^ The Time For Mutation is Now Dane Rudhyar Chapter 6 of Directives for New Life . Accessed June 2008
  32. ^ CNN News interview with Sandy Bershad, an Indigo Child (2005-11-15). Retrieved on 2006-10-01.
  33. ^ Indigo Children - Crystalline Children (2002-06-04). Retrieved on 2006-10-01.
  34. ^ Supercharged Affirmations The Salem New Age Center, Salem Massachusetts USA . Accessed August 2007.
  35. ^ Carroll, Robert Todd (2005). The Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon. Retrieved on 2007-08-23.
  36. ^ Accepting Total and Complete Responsibility: New Age NeoFeminist Violence against Sethna Feminism Psychology.1992; 2: pages 113-119
  37. ^ Heindel, Max (1968). New age Vegetarian Cookbook. Rosicrucian Fellowship. OCLC 4971259
  38. ^ Max, Peter (1971). The Peter Max new age organic vegetarian cookbook. Pyramid Communications.  OCLC 267219
  39. ^ Fast Fasting- New Age Spirituality Dictionary at The Global Oneness Commitment. Accessed April 2008
  40. ^ Science, Forteans & Skeptics
  42. ^ What is the New Age Movement
  43. ^ [ In Plain SiteRelativism Is it "absolutely" true that there is no "absolute" truth? In Plain Site], Christian view of Relativism. Accessed December 2006.
  44. ^ Jews for Morality The New Age Movement: Reversion to Paganism. How the New Age Movement undermines the very foundations of a moral society. By Mayer Adani. 31 Aug. 2001 Accessed December 2006
  45. ^ * A Christian reflection on the New Age
  46. ^ New Age vs. Vedic tradition Accessed July 2006
  47. ^ Declaration of War Against Exploiters of Lakota Spirituality - Accessed July 2006
  48. ^ Newman, Hannah. The Rainbow Swastika , A Report To The Jewish People, About New Age Antisemitism. See Section 5. New Age Leaders Commenting on the Nazi Experiment. Philologos Religious Online Books. Retrieved on 2007-04-10.
  49. ^ Gershom, Rabbi Yonassan (1997, revised 2005). Antisemitic Stereotypes in Alice Bailey's Writings. Rabbi Gershom Website. Retrieved on 2007-04-11.
  50. ^ Shnirelman, Victor A. Russian Neo-pagan Myths and Antisemitism in Acta no. 13, Analysis of Current Trends in Antisemitism. The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. 1998. Retrieved 2007-08-22
  51. ^ Hansson, Professor Sven Ove (2002). The racial Teachings of Rudolf Steiner. SkepticReport. Retrieved on 2007-04-11.
  52. ^ Anthroposophie und die Rassismus-Vorwürfe, ISBN 978-3-924391-24-9, p. 309ff
  53. ^ Kerkvliet, Von Gerard. Commission on "Anthroposophy and the Question of Race". Anthroposophical Society in The Netherlands. Retrieved on 2007-09-22.
  54. ^ Position Statement on Diversity. The General Council of the Anthroposophical Society in America (1998). Retrieved on 2007-04-12. “We explicitly reject any racial theory that may be construed to be part of Rudolf Steiner's writings. The Anthroposophical Society in America is an open, public society and it rejects any purported spiritual or scientific theory on the basis of which the alleged superiority of one race is justified at the expense of another race.”
  55. ^ A New Ager's path to becoming a skeptic Accessed July 2006
  56. ^ Dutch skeptic website with articles and links to criticism of a range of New Age topics Accessed July 2006
  57. ^ Qunatum Quackery by Victor Stenger Article in Skeptical Inquirer magazine, January/February 1997. Accessed March 2007
  58. ^ Wilber, Ken. "Introduction to the third volume", [The Collected Works of Ken Wilber 3. Shambala. Retrieved during 2008. “And we have to look no further than the general New Age movement to find abundant evidence of preconventional impulse being confused with postconventional liberation; prerational self-absorption being confused with postrational freedom; preverbal hedonism confused with transverbal wisdom.” 
  59. ^ National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Retrieved on 2006-06-01.
  60. ^ Lilienfeld, Scott O. (2002). "Criticism of New Age techniques in mental health practise". The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice 1 (1). 
  61. ^ Alcock, James (1999). "Alternative medicine and the psychology of belief". The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine 3 (2). 
  62. ^ Lilienfeld, S.O. (2002). "The Scientific Review of Mental Health Practice: Our raison d'etre". Sci Rev Ment Health Pract 1 (1): 5-10. 
  63. ^ Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention of the Institute of Medicine (2005). Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States, p. 25. National Academies Press. Retrieved on 2008-01-08.
  64. ^ Friendly Lion (2008)New Age Music CDs
  65. ^ Lehrer, Paul M.; David H. (FRW) Barlow, Robert L. Woolfolk, Wesley E. Sime (2007). Principles and Practice of Stress Management, Third Edition, p46-47. ISBN 159385000X. 
  66. ^ David Moore. "Body & Soul, yoga w/o the yoyos", Media Life, June 17, 2002. 
  67. ^ Judith Rosen. "Crossing the Boundaries:Regardless of its label, this increasingly mainstream category continues to broaden its subject base", Publishers Weekly, 5/27/2002. 
  68. ^ Cohen, Maurie J. (January 2007). "Consumer credit, household financial management, and sustainable consumption". International Journal of Consumer Studies 31 (Volume 31 Issue 1): Page 57-65. doi:10.1111/j.1470-6431.2005.00485.x. doi:10.1111/j.1470-6431.2005.00485.x. 
  69. ^ Halweil, Brianink =; Lisa Mastny, Erik Assadourian, Linda Starke, Worldwatch Institute (2004). State of the World 2004: A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society. W. W. Norton & Company, 167. ISBN 0393325393. 
  70. ^ Cortese, Amy. "They Care About the World (and They Shop, Too)", Business Section, New York Times, July 20, 2003. 
  71. ^ Everage, Laura. "Understanding the LOHAS Lifestyle", Gourmet Retailer Magazine, Nielsen Business Media, October 1, 2002. 

[edit] References

[edit] External links

[edit] General

[edit] Critical