Neutral Nation

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The Neutrals, also known as the Attawandaron, were an Iroquoian nation of North American native people who lived near the shores of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.


[edit] Territory

During the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries the territory of the Attawandaron was within the limits of present day southern Ontario, except for a single population cluster to the east, across the Niagara River near modern day Buffalo, New York. The western boundary of their territory was the valley of the Grand River, with population concentrations existing on the Niagara Peninsula and in the vicinity of the present day communities of Hamilton and Milton Ontario.[1] Documentary sources indicate that the population of the historic Neutrals ranged from twelve thousand to forty thousand individuals, with the lower number indicating the devastating effect of arriving European diseases and periods of famine during the first part of the seventeenth century.[2]

F. Douglas Reville's "The History of the County of Brant" (1920) states that the hunting grounds of the Attawandaron ranged from Genesee Falls and Sarnia, and south of a line drawn from Toronto to Goderich.[3]

St. Jean de Brébeuf and Chaumonot visited eighteen villages of the Neutrals in 1640-1641, and gave each a Christian name. The only ones mentioned in their writings were Kandoucho, or All Saints, the nearest to the Hurons; Onguioaahra, on the Niagara River; Teotongniaton or St. William, in the centre of their country; and Khioetoa, or St. Michael.[4]

Their territory is described, by F. Douglas Reville, as having been heavily forested, and full of "wild fruit trees of vast variety", with nut trees, berry bushes, and wild grape vines. "Elk, caribou, and black bear; deer, wolves, foxes, martens and wild cats filled the woods." [5]

[edit] Name

The Neutrals' own name for themselves has been lost, but they were called Attawandaron by the Hurons, meaning "people of a slightly different language".

The name Neutral was applied to them by the French because they tried to be neutral between the warring Huron and Iroquois peoples.[6] It is suggested that a plausible reason for their neutrality during the Huron-Iroquois war was the presence of flint grounds within their territory near the eastern end of Lake Erie; the Attawandaron could maintain their neutrality because of their possession of this resource, used for spearheads and arrowheads.[7] Once the neighbouring nations began to receive firearms from the European powers, however, the possession of these flint grounds lost its advantage.

[edit] Fate

At about 1650, the Iroquois declared war on the Attawandaron; by 1653, the people were practically annihilated, and their villages were wiped out, including Kandoucho.[8] [9]

[edit] Archaeology

The Southwold Earthworks near St. Thomas, Ontario contains the remains of a Neutral village and is a National Historic Site of Canada. The Museum of Ontario Archaeology in London, Ontario is located adjacent to the site of another 500-year-old Neutral village. This village, designated as the "Lawson Prehistoric Iroquoian Village", has been under study since the early 1900s. Much of the village, including its palisades and long houses, has been reconstructed and a large collection of Neutral artifacts recovered there is displayed in the museum.

[edit] References

  1. ^ (1990) The Archaeology Of Southern Ontario To A.D. 1650. London Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society, 410-411. ISBN 0-919350-13-5. 
  2. ^ (1990) The Archaeology Of Southern Ontario To A.D. 1650. London Chapter of the Ontario Archaeological Society, 410. ISBN 0-919350-13-5. 
  3. ^ [1] Reville, F. Douglas. "The History of the County of Brant", p. 15. Brantford: Hurley Printing Company, 1920.
  4. ^ Catholic Ecyclopedia, "The Hurons"
  5. ^ Reville, F. Douglas. "The History of the County of Brant", p. 16.
  6. ^ Reville, F. Douglas. "The History of the County of Brant", p. 15.
  7. ^ Catholic Ecyclopedia, "The Hurons"
  8. ^ Reville, F. Douglas. "The History of the County of Brant", p. 20.
  9. ^ Catholic Ecyclopedia, "The Hurons"

[edit] See also

[edit] External links