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The term neuromorphic was coined by Carver Mead, in the late 1980s to describe Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) systems containing electronic analog circuits that mimic neuro-biological architectures present in the nervous system. In recent times the term neuromorphic has been used to describe both analog, digital or mixed-mode analog/digital VLSI systems that implement models of neural systems (for perception, motor control, or sensory processing) as well as software algorithms.

A key aspect of neuromorphic design is understanding how the morphology of individual neurons, circuits, and overall architectures create desirable computations, affect how information is represented, influences robustness to damage, incorporates learning and development, and facilitates evolutionary change.

Neuromorphic Engineering is a new interdisciplinary discipline that takes inspiration from biology, physics, mathematics, computer science and engineering to design artificial neural systems, such as vision systems, head-eye systems, auditory processors, and autonomous robots, whose physical architecture and design principles are based on those of biological nervous systems.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

  • Holographic Neural Technology (HNeT) based on non linear phase coherence/decoherence principles. The analogy has been made to quantum processes through the core synaptic algorithm which has strong similarities to the QM wave equation.
  • The yearly Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop brings together young investigators and more established researchers from academia with their counterparts in industry and national laboratories, working on both neurobiological as well as engineering aspects of sensory systems and sensory-motor integration.
  • The Institute of Neuromorphic Engineering is an international institute "without walls" dedicated to the advancement of research and education in neuromorphic engineering.
  • The official INE news site.

Below is a list of leading researchers in various areas of neuromorphic engineering, based on an article IEEE Spectrum (May, 2006):

Vision and Robotics

Hearing, Sonar, and Speech Processing

Neural Processing and Processing and Learning

Spike-Based Processing

Biomedical and Ultra-Low-Power Applications

(See Leading Labs)

Other Links
