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[edit] Photo 1

Image:Rabbi Samuel Jakob Rose.jpg

I find this picture both powerful and empowering. It shows Rabbi Samuel Jakob Rose, Chief Rabbi of the American zone of occupation in Germany after WWII, and a survivor of Dachau concentration camp, examining the galleys of the first postwar edition of the Talmud to be printed in Germany (since Kristallnacht). It was taken circa 1947 in Heidelberg, Germany.

Why do I like it?

Because it symbolises the rejuvenation of Jewish life, the eternality of Jewish life, and the resourceful, plucky and ever optomistic Jew alone in a harsh world. After the horrific scenes witnessed by this man, he still desires to get closer to G-d, spread the Torah, and learn more about his religion. Simply amazing.

[edit] Photo 2

Image:Red Arrows - 10.jpg

The Red Arrows are beautiful - but very dangerous.

[edit] Photo 3

Pretty stong stuff.

[edit] Photo 4

No prizes for guessing what this is.